
1 year ago

《听君贵语》中华民族没有被开智,中华民族历史上的文明已经全部被共产主义所扼杀,这个民族已经完全失去了人性。中华民族的宗教以及对世界的认知都已与人类文明脱离已久。 我们新中国联邦在做的事情就是让14亿中国人民开智、重拾人性,灭掉中共这个共产主义的集大成者,让中华民族的信仰及对世界的认知与人类文明接轨、与时代接轨。 The Chinese nation has not been enlightened. All the civilizations in the history of the Chinese nation have been strangled by communism. This nation has completely lost its humanity. The Chinese nation’s religion and understanding of the world have been separated from human civilization for a long time. What we the NFSC are doing is to enlighten the 1.4 billion Chinese people and regain their humanity, take down the CCP, the master of communism, and bring the Chinese nation’s beliefs and understanding of the world into line with human civilization and the times.

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