true freedom is doing the right thing b/c you want to

1 year ago

it's another parking garage, yawl
always a possibility that women will get confused n do the exact opposite of what we're supposed to do
YES! we made it
i just stayed the night w/ my jew, ronnit at the hospital
she kinda downplayed it at first but it's pretty bad
i don't feel up to getting on the interstate
she's kinda sorta fucked financially anyway
i couldn't locate her gofundme
it's time for another anti-america rant
since we just left the hospital n all
it will always be a show yawl
what binds us is $ and social status
mental slavery is the easiest one
when you have the mind of God you will always know what to do
totally a woman right there
the bias just won't stop
i got pissed off trying to be nice
at least they got a grateful dead bumper sticker
back in the day yours truly had a coexist bumper sticker
back when i was a liberal you couldn't even see the back of my car
nobody wants a fucking prius (including those that drive em OBVIOUSLY)
judson got his prius totalled by another prius hahaha
what if the other prius was just bitter
lemme guess...getting on yer phone is how you pass the time

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