Save this year's Tomatoes for spring

10 months ago

Tomatoes for spring. You can start your tomatoes for next spring right now. Tomatoes or easily propagated by clipping the stems placing them in water so they can grow roots.
Now a lot of people do this in summer but you can also do this for your next spring plants. Of course you need to catch your tomatoes before the first frost to do this.
You simply trim the tomato plant remove any excess leaves, leaving just two to three leaves at the top and then place it in water. The tomato plants we'll begin to root within just a few days. Keep the tomato plants in the water continually refill the water if needed. change out the water every 4 to 5 days or if the water begins to become cloudy. use dechlorinated water for this as a chlorine will hinder the plants growth.
In just a few weeks you can transplant your tomato that the roots have started on into a pot with potting soil. as the plant grows you can increase the pot size by repotting.
Now you have started your next springs tomato crop without planning a single seed for it.

#tomato #starttomatoes #homsteading #gardening

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