I jumped from space (world record) nasa

10 months ago

Jumping from space, often referred to as a space jump or space dive, is an extraordinary and highly dangerous feat that involves an individual descending from the edge of space back to Earth. Here's a brief description of what such a jump would entail:

High Altitude Balloon: The journey begins by ascending to the edge of space using a high-altitude balloon. This balloon carries the astronaut, or daredevil, to an altitude where the Earth's atmosphere is extremely thin.

Space Suit: To survive in the near-vacuum conditions of space, the jumper wears a specialized space suit equipped with life support systems. This suit provides protection from extreme temperatures, low pressure, and lack of oxygen.

Preparation: Once at the desired altitude, the jumper must prepare mentally and physically for the descent. This includes checking equipment, ensuring communication systems are functional, and performing breathing exercises.

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