CWA Summit Audience Joins in Prayer for President Trump

11 months ago

On Friday, September 15, 2023, the nation's capital witnessed a powerful moment of unity and faith as the audience at the Concerned Women of America (CWA) 2023 Leadership Summit joined in prayer for former President Donald Trump. This heartfelt gesture came as President Trump made a prominent appearance at the prestigious Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C., addressing the summit and sharing his thoughts on the organization's mission and core values.

The CWA Leadership Summit had promised attendees a day filled with inspiration, education, and collaboration, and it certainly delivered. The event commenced with a morning session that included breakfast, worship, and an enlightening CWA Issues Education Session. This session offered participants a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the values and principles that have driven the CWA's mission throughout its history.

However, it was in the evening that the summit reached a pinnacle of unity and spirituality. As anticipation grew for the grand dinner in the Presidential Ballroom at Capital Hilton, where President Trump was the guest of honor, something extraordinary happened. The CWA CEO and President, Penny Nance, along with other female leaders, took to the stage to lead the audience in a heartfelt prayer for President Trump.

The sight of these influential women, heads bowed in prayer, resonated deeply with the attendees. It symbolized a coming together of faith, values, and a shared commitment to the principles that the CWA holds dear. As they prayed for President Trump, it was not just a gesture of support for the former president but also a reaffirmation of the values and mission that the CWA stands for.

The moment was a powerful reminder of the role that faith plays in the lives of many Americans and its connection to the broader political landscape. It showcased the unity that can be found among people who share common values and ideals, even in the midst of a complex and sometimes divisive political climate.

President Trump's address later that evening carried added significance after this touching display of unity and faith. As he spoke about the organization's mission and the issues close to its heart, it was evident that he appreciated the support and prayers of the CWA's dedicated members.

The CWA Leadership Summit of 2023 will be remembered not only for its informative sessions and the presence of a former president but also for the poignant moment of prayer that brought together the audience and the guest of honor. It served as a reminder that faith, values, and unity can bridge divides and inspire individuals and organizations to work towards a common goal – making a positive impact on society through education, advocacy, and prayer.

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