Fight for Your right to parent: the 2 Battles you MUST win!

9 months ago

As we celebrate Father’s Day this year,
I am acutely aware.
that our GOD-GIVEN rights as parents
are under assault.

Your children do not belong to the gov’t.
Your children do not belong to the LBGTQ.
Your children do not belong to your neighbor.
Your children do not belong to your pastor.
God gave your children to you.

Every parent should be alarmed.
They are coming for YOUR sons and daughters.

We must fight to hold onto our God-given right
to parent our children.

However, as I look at our culture,
the harsh reality is, there’s another,
even more important battle we are losing
—and we are losing badly.

So, my friends,
let’s fight for our God-given right
to parent our children.

But never forget to fight every day
for the time to parent your children well.
Fight for the time to pray for them.
Fight for the time to
develop your own relationship with God,
so you can model for your children
what it looks like.

SHOW your kids that God IS the issue,
in every area of life.

If you need a tool to help you do that,
Kathy and I wrote a family devotional,
Because God is Awesome!,
to help parents just like you
have conversations with their kids
about who God is and why it matters in their lives.
You can order a copy at

And never forget. God is the issue—in every issue.

Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there.

If this podcast has been helpful to you,
please subscribe, follow, share or like it.
It really does help us get the message out.

00:00 God-Given Rights
01:30 My Growing Up Years
02:25 What did my Dad Teach Me?
5:45 Ministering to College Students
06:09 My Dad knew GOD was the Issue
7:22 Mom Story
08:15 Dad’s Travel
9:52 I was the active Child
10:44 Ney Bailey Story
11:40 Fight for Your Right to Parent Your Children

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