I Was Wrong...

11 months ago

For the last few months GOD has really been working on, in and with me. HE has given me some very real revelations and convictions as well. For those who I cut off in May of 2021, I am sorry. For those I have misled with falsehoods and perceptions of doctrine, I am so very sorry.

The good news... I have ONCE AGAIN been DELIVERED from all that this ole flesh desires!

I feel remorse right now... what have I done to this amazing gift that I was granted... have I destroyed this ministry with my own thoughts, feelings & ignorance... not to mention the oppression of multiple spirits. Yes! I have run it into the ground. GOD has buried it and is in the process of resurrecting it! Hallelujah!

I feel overjoyed right now... that I do feel like GOD Almighty has touched me ONCE AGAIN and made me see things that I refused to see for the last few years. It hurts to imagine the grief I have caused so many, but especially The FATHER!

I feel content right now... because no matter what anyone else thinks or feels about what is to come in my immediate future, I am all good because I have truly been touched by the hand of The FATHER in Heaven.

I feel Thankful right now... to the one brother that kept at it and went to bat for me, Karl Gessler, for the Deliverance he was used to offer and exercise to me and for me. Hallelujah! Thank YOU, JESUS The CHRIST!!

Thankful for Christine Niles and Church Militant/St. Michael’s Media for extending the hand of Hope to me when I was walking outside of The FATHER'S Will, and allowing me a chance to tell my testimony.

Thankful for the brothers & sisters that GOD has placed in my life, especially the SOS group here in Hancock. What a bunch of true & pure brethren. They didn't beat me up over my choices, nor did they compromise their own beliefs. They just loved me like JESUS The CHRIST does.

Thankful for Patty! My sister from another mister but the same FATHER! She has always stood firm by me as we sought answers on many different topics together. And while I continue to grow, she continues her loving like The CHRIST! Amen!!

Moving forward I won't be spending a lot of time making apologies or trying to make up for the damage done the last few years with individuals, as I am going to focus on cleaning up the mess WHILE ALSO PUSHING FORWARD! Those who are thrilled to have me back in the fold will definitely not expect me to try to make up for what has been done and is done. Those who expect more... I am sorry but I will not be your tool.

The world doesn't believe in redemption, and I know a lot of the church that doesn't truly believe in redemption either.... and that is okay. Just stay out of the way while The FATHER resurrects this ministry that HE ordained.

As for me... I have nothing to prove to anyone. I AM REDEEMED! I have humbled myself (yes, I was wrong.), I have prayed and sought HIS Face for the last few years of walking outside of HIS Will, I have renounced my wicked ways, including perversion & homosexuality, and all of the diabolical thoughts & feelings. Spirits have been lifted off of me! Rejection is no longer a fear. I DO Belong, Amen!

I choose to walk in HIS Light, and in HIS Righteousness. I am a Child of GOD and I will walk in the role HE has assigned me. So please, pray for my strength moving forward as I have made quite a mess that has to be cleaned up as I move forward. My website is now UNpublished until it is edited. My Twitter, or X, whatever it is called... has been deactivated for now.

I have learned a lot in the last few years that I never would've learned had I not stepped out of GOD'S Will. Everything for a purpose. Please either embrace me or stay clear from me, as I have no time or use for intentional or emotional hurdles. There is SO MUCH work to be done.

In HIS Loving, Precious & Firm Grip, David


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