Draza Smith plots the Early Vote machine fraud from Mesa-3 down to the precinct and tabulator

1 year ago

Draza plots the unnatural Trump-Biden percentage climb, down to the precinct and tabulator, in Mesa and 6 other CO counties with near-identical vote patterns:

Later they found this everywhere and called it the Mesa Pattern. This is the machine fraud algorithm in the early vote. If you flip a coin a million times, the percentage heads or tails would spike up and down in the beginning and then, as more flips have been made, the new coin flips will be a smaller and smaller percentage of the total, causing the curve in the thumbnail pic to flatten out, if it were natural. But it doesn't do that at all, and all three curves in the thumb mirror each other.

The first two days, 10/19 and 10/20, counted ~100% Trump-Biden ratio or 1:1, meaning they received the same votes, and every tabulator ran percentages in the same range. Next day was the same, but with 150% ratio, or 3 to 2 Trump to Biden. The next day she shows is 10/27 (which is *after* the Mesa 3 batches), where you see the votes clustered on 200% line and ranging 200-400% (Trump receives 2x-4x the votes as Biden). This DOESN'T show Trump benefitting from fraud, it shows a red county being manipulated. Draza also compares the mail-in Early Vote ballots with the Early In Person (green line) curve which is much higher for Trump.

There are were 85 batches (batch avg. 100 votes in Mesa Cy) ran on 10/19. If you recall the Mesa 3 Report, it showed batches 2-59 being removed from the CVR (but NOT the count) making their ballots unauditable. The first nine of them, plus batch 1, are the orange dots to the left of the 10/19 plot that were supposedly scanned in the same minute. She says they were copied over in that minute, I'm not sure that's accurate: check the ODonnell preliminary report on my channel, he says the copies were made on the 21st, on or after 2 p.m. This padded 5% of the vote in Mesa Cy, and they calculate it would amount to 8m votes nationally if it repeated everywhere.

From the ODonnell preliminary vid: "We can say that it is statistically 97% likely that the ballots contained in those 58 batches were NOT from the organic population of voters."

267 batches in total in Mesa 3 report. #drazasmith

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