The Most Famous Job Listing In History

10 months ago

While it may not have actually gone down exactly like this…
This may still be the most famous job listing in history. So the story goes that Ernest Shackleton was looking for men to join him on a dangerous expedition to Antarctica, and put out a classified ad to find potential candidates.
The ad said that the you won’t be paid well, it’ll be a insanely dangerous journey, and the only real thing they can offer is the glory and recognition you’d get *IF* the journey was successful. So not the most enticing job listing in the world… But it worked, and there are a couple reasons why:
A - It’s polarizing.
B) It’s framed as a challenge, not as a standard job listing.
And to everyone’s surprise - allegedly over 5,000 men signed up to go on the expedition, making it one of the most successful and notorious job listings in history.

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