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Gang-stalking in Action : The TikTok Edition on YouTube

1 year ago

Live videos depicting instances of gang-stalking experienced by me, your host, E. I. Smith. All of the videos will be derived from my TikTok page.


The United States Federal Government has, over the past 75 years in particular, used mass murder, assassinations, embezzlement, high treasonous legislation, illegal and undeclared wars, and domestic terrorism as its political anchors.

The gangstalking mechanism that has permeated every crevice of the American social, political, and legislative functions is the result of illbred, illconceived, and treacherous congressional legislation that proves that the Congress of the United States of America neither reads or gets the legislation that it ratified. The American taxpayer gets to pay the bills for the political misgivings of their elected representatives while the criminally insane homicidal thugs that they have enlisted for their thuggish nationwide obstruction militia goes about their day attempting to harm, maim, disrupt, kill, or cause the incarceration of targeted individuals, people who are politically dead to rights; people who the United States Federal Government has, throughout criminal negligence, sold to its military industrial complex and its multi-trillion-dollar tracking and location protocol, the likes of which is tantamount to the USA’s own brand of mass murderous dealings and crimes against humanity.
The American gangstalking mechanism is pure unadulterated thuggery. The kinds of people that participate in it (gangstalking) are thugs to their core. They have embraced a thuggish, cowardly, and degenerate mindset, one that enables them to act like zoo animals on a daily basis.


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