Independent Run for RFK Jr? (Kennedy Americans Podcast, Ep. 11)

1 year ago

Episode 11 of the "Kennedy Americans" podcast is curated from a Sept. 11 Twitter (now X) Space about the Democratic National Committee's efforts to block presidential candidate Robert F. #Kennedy Jr.'s path to the nomination.

(Episode 11 taking place on 9/11 is rather creepy, but I swear I didn't plan it that way!)

My co-host is Nick Brana, national chair of the People's Party. Brana is a former #Bernie 2016 staffer who witnessed firsthand all the shenanigans the #Democrats pulled to keep Sen. Sanders from winning. He says they're doing it again to #RFK -- only worse this time.

Mr. Kennedy now says he is considering "other alternatives," such as a third party or Independent run for the White House. We asked our panel which party, if any, #RFK should run with, and if he could win outside the two-party system.

We asked YOUR thoughts in a new X poll. Hurry up and vote before it closes here:

As an update to our previous podcasts (Episodes 6 & 7 of "Kennedy Americans") about the #censorship of RFK Jr., I'll give you the latest on the Kennedy vs. #Biden lawsuit -- now joined with Missouri vs. Biden -- which won a victory in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals last week.

We also discuss #RFKJr's call to action for his supporters to participate in a #September11 Day of Service and Remembrance, and what Americans did for their country on this solemn anniversary.

We then open the floor to get opinions from the listening audience, asking if it's time for Kennedy to #DemExit and run #Republican, third party, or Independent.

All episodes of the "Kennedy Americans" podcast are permanently archived on this Rumble channel: Please subscribe!

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We aren't just Kennedy Democrats, or Kennedy #Republicans, or Kennedy #Libertarians, or Kennedy #Independents. We are KENNEDY AMERICANS!

Episode 11 premiers tonight at 8:30 PM Central. Don't miss it. Will be spicy!

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