Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi R.A Mukhalfeen Ki Nazar Me - Bundles of Knowledge

10 months ago

Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi R.A Mukhalfeen Ki Nazar Me - Bundles of Knowledge

Mujaddid of the fourteenth century, the great Hazrat, the great leader, the absolute polytheist and heresy, the emperor of poetry and speech, the Imam of the Sunan, Fazil Jalil, the Nabeel scholar, Muhaddith Adeel, Fakhr Akbar, Al-Shah Mufti Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Muhaddith Barelvi Hanafi, may God bless him and grant him peace. He was a zealous and sincere scholar, he was full of the love of the Messenger and the love of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), he was proficient in all sciences and arts. Tell me By authoring thick and great books like "Fatawi Rizwiyyah" and "Al-Dawla Al-Mukiya" you inserted a sharp dagger into the heads of the disbelievers, from the pain of which even today these people are suffering and looking for medicine for treatment.

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