Eat These 5 Foods Every Day For Youthful, Radiant Skin

8 months ago

You must have heard of antioxidant foods. They are known for their numerous health benefits and are connected to the proper functioning of human cells. They also help to prevent stress and premature ageing. Did you know? If you want to keep your skin looking young, you should add some antioxidant foods to your diet. Experts say that certain foods take care of your skin from inside out.

For example, avocado is rich in omega 9 fatty acid, which keeps the moisture in the outer layers of your skin soft and hydrating.

Watermelon is packed with lycopene, which makes it red. It helps to protect your skin from UV rays. Scientists believe that consuming watermelon helps to strengthen your sun protection factor, even though it is not a substitute for sunscreen.

Blueberry is a berry that is rich in vitamins C and E. These two antioxidants work together to lighten the skin and prevent the damage caused by free radicals.

Nuts - Nuts, like Brazil nuts, Cashew nuts, Almonds, and Hazelnuts are packed with vitamin E, which helps to protect and repair the skin.
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Consume orange fruits and veggies such as Carrots, Papaya, Mangoes, Mango, Bell Pepper, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin, etc. These are sources of Beta Carotene which fights UVA and UVB rays and increases your tan.

Consume caffeine and alcohol with moderation. Coffee ages your skin and stains it while Alcohol dries it and makes the wrinkles more visible and favoring the new ones.

Drink plenty of water. Water keeps your skin healthy and beautiful and helps to clean toxins from your body.

It is clear that a diet high in antioxidants is essential, but it is also important to avoid harmful habits such as industrialized foods that are high in salt and sugar, sedentary lifestyle, etc.

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