Canada's indigenous boarding school "mass grave" turns out to be a HOAX

1 year ago

"In May 2021, the Tk’emlups te Secwépemc people, an indigenous tribe in southern British Columbia, announced the discovery of a mass grave containing the remains of 215 indigenous children at former Catholic residential schools. Citing “anomalies” detected by ground-penetrating radar and the community’s assurance that the atrocity had been confirmed, the announcement garnered global media coverage and sparked a nationwide cultural backlash against the Catholic Church.

The only problem, of course, is that the “mass graves” story has fallen apart in recent weeks. Reporting from the New York Post revealed that excavations of the alleged mass grave sites have produced no human remains. In their rush to leverage a story that was convenient to their preferred ideological agenda, it appears that both the Canadian government and the global news media failed to confirm the facts, and instead relied upon an unverified radar anomaly and ancient rumors."

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