Namaqua Sandgrouse (Bird Carry Water in Its Feathers

9 months ago

This bird has specialized feathers on its belly that are designed to soak up water like a sponge. During the early morning hours, when dew is present in the desert, the Namaqua Sandgrouse will dip its belly feathers into the dew-laden sand. These feathers are incredibly efficient at absorbing and retaining moisture.Once its feathers are saturated, the bird then flies back to its nest or young chicks. By capillary action, the water is gradually released from its feathers and collected in a small depression in the ground, where its chicks can safely drink from. This unique behavior allows the Namaqua Sandgrouse to provide a vital source of hydration to its offspring in one of the driest environments on Earth.This remarkable adaptation showcases nature's ingenuity in finding ingenious solutions for survival in challenging ecosystems.

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