TheDimNews LIVE: Biden Impeachment Inquiry | New Mexico Gun Ban Blocked

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.

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ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Hey, I wouldn't mind being on tonight, if there is room.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Is Avril Lavigne going to be 19 years old her entire life?

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Speaking of which, Fiona Apple is still, like, 22 years old.
thrasybulus Think about the books they put in the school libraries for kids these days. Not shocking that the Pres of the American Library Assoc was caught at a socialist gathering.
thrasybulus @CF I am reliably informed that women have no ages between 29 and when they govt is willing to give them a check for being old enough.

h8yourst8 Supporter how are the ticks there?

RonGreen1 The 19th Amendment ruined America.
thrasybulus PSA: Don't get married. Brought to you by Prozac.
thrasybulus Birth control disincentivizes marriage.

h8yourst8 Supporter there was a good mst3k short about how to prepare for marriage

JQuickDraw Supporter Most of modern day society disincentivizes marriage.
thrasybulus It's harder for women to keep having lots of dates after a certain age.

RonGreen1 Kitchen remodel or new fishing boat? The dilemma of every married man.
thrasybulus Women need to get married and have kids younger due to egg numbers + health, ability to conceive, carry a healthy child to term, and recover physically.
thrasybulus Like 90% of a woman's eggs are gone by the time she's about 30.
thrasybulus Geriatric pregnancy begins at age 35.
thrasybulus If a woman doesn't marry by 35-40 she has an almost 100% chance of never marrying.
thrasybulus Accurate probabilities are pretty good for predicting things.

jbsx I retired at 48, again at 51, and again at 63
thrasybulus Thaddius sounds like Shaggy.

JQuickDraw Supporter It's also a matter of humans not yet adapting to the information overload of the digital age. There is no manual for how to decide what you want when confronted with endless options.
thrasybulus Choice becomes dramatically harder once you get over 3 options with every option.

RonGreen1 Choice paralysis is going to the gun store.
thrasybulus @ron Depends on your budget.

h8yourst8 Supporter i'd hate to be beverly's waiter
Rumble Premium UserSupporter+
Yeah, but NOT making a decision is also making a decision.

JQuickDraw Supporter Just use the George Costanza method. Choose whatever you think is the worst option.

TunedToKey Howdy

TunedToKey :r+cooldoge: :r+cooldoge: :r+cooldoge: :r+cooldoge: :r+cooldoge:

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ There have been some recent studies that showed that women's taste in men changes whether they are on birth control or not.

TunedToKey Absolutely. Birth control alters their hormones

TunedToKey The best form of birth control is a fast roller coaster

JQuickDraw Supporter One of my deal breakers is a really intense, old school cockney accent. She has to be able to convince me she's a saucy street walker from Victorian England.

TunedToKey Nice

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ She has to convince me that Jack the Ripper would have killed her.

JQuickDraw Supporter Exactly
thrasybulus Had a relative whose neighbor was a dairy farmer. No vacations ever. Cows had to be milked everyday.

JQuickDraw Supporter That's udderly amazing. I'll show myself out.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Did they buy the cows, or get the milk for free?

TunedToKey The thing about listening is that.... what were you saying, Beverly? I wasnt listening

JQuickDraw Supporter wildebeest 4s, damn

TunedToKey I sent both of you gals the delusional calculator and I think you got decent scores.

RonGreen1 Marriage is also good for getting a cold beer out of the fridge, without getting up.😂

JQuickDraw Supporter I think you can train your dog to get you a beer. So, there's that.

JQuickDraw Supporter Excuse me? I am not an animal. I am a vision quest electro-shaman, a trans-dimensional sherpa.

h8yourst8 Supporter might as well face it

TunedToKey Alex is easy to order, steak, no seed oil

TunedToKey Beverly is difficult, extra ranch and extra carrots to gnaw on
thrasybulus I know someone who has the gene that make cilantro taste like soap. They found out because they went to a restaurant where the food tasted like soap. Whole restaurant smelled like soap.
thrasybulus Hormonal birth control has ecological consequences that we don't talk about.

JQuickDraw Supporter My sister has that gene. She absolutely hates cilantro.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ @Thras, that is what Alex Jones was talking about when he said that "the water is turning the frogs gay".
thrasybulus @CF I thought he was talking about a diff chemical.

h8yourst8 Supporter don't walk too close to that machine with your huge nipples

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ "YOU'RE HOLDIN' MY EATIN' HAND!"

TunedToKey I dont miss the days of smokers in bars and venues. Especially restaurants
thrasybulus One of the guys in my old unit got injured and had damage in his dominant arm. Couldn't use his arm part of the time. We asked him how he master debated, He said it felt like he was cheating when he u
thrasybulus used the other arm.

TunedToKey He is waiting for the appeal

TunedToKey He will likely win the appeal

TunedToKey And he should
thrasybulus AJ was told he had to pay out of profits. He just can never make a profit.

JQuickDraw Supporter Time for AJ to set up a Trust and let the org earn all the money.

TunedToKey Like or hate AJ, a BILLION dollar settlement is insane
thrasybulus AJ basically was required to pay the GDP of France.

TunedToKey The MSM lied and said that there were people that went to the graves of the kids and peed on them, without any evidence. And that was used as evidence against him

JQuickDraw Supporter From what I've read of the case, it was a straight up old school railroading.
thrasybulus I wish Rachel Maddow was stuck in court like AJ.

TunedToKey The judge also waived AJs first amendment to the jury before the trial. Something along the line of, "He is already guilty. Your job (the jury) is to find out how much he owes"
thrasybulus An anonymous source implied that...
thrasybulus Someone close to the matter...

Guyinroom83 I forgot you were streaming again. I actually didn't remember even now
thrasybulus Word choice analysis gives you away. You have to try really hard to beat that.

TunedToKey How about Alex's co-host, Owen, being sentenced to 60 days in prison for not going into the capital on January 6, 2021

TunedToKey Sup CF

TunedToKey Turn up audio
thrasybulus A small town lawyer just joined the show.

Guyinroom83 Wtf is an impeachment inquiry anyway

Guyinroom83 Oh.

Guyinroom83 It's all nonsense to avoid making any real change

TunedToKey Chicago, change your mic input on Streamyards

TunedToKey It screwed me the last time by picking my cam mic
thrasybulus It's where they gather the information and decide whether or not to impeach. It gives them more power to get info currently restricted from them.

TunedToKey Fetterman's response was ridiculous

JQuickDraw Supporter Word choice can be gamed if you're AWARE of it and trying. I once held two conversations as as two different people with the same person on an instant messenger.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ How's my volume?

TunedToKey Good now, bud

Guyinroom83 Harvey weinstein is innocent then, bc he wasn't actually producing a film during each r**e

JQuickDraw Supporter @TunedToKey Isn't Fetterman always ridiculous?

TunedToKey haha
thrasybulus USMC was created 10, Nov 1775. They didn't fight the Barbary Pirates until the Jefferson admin in the 1800s.

TunedToKey Fair point

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ I believe that the Barbary Pirates are mentioned in the USMC hymn?
thrasybulus More black Africans were sent east to the ottoman empire than the americas. They just castrated the men so no descendants.

TunedToKey ^^^^

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ But, they were pirates, so there was also the matter of keeping our ships safe on the open seas.

TunedToKey PLus I believe 8 countries in Africa still practice slavery
thrasybulus @CF Hymn wasnt written til later. It also refs in the same lie the Halls of Montezuma from the 1848 war with Mexico.

JQuickDraw Supporter Barbarian pirates? Hell yeah
thrasybulus Albequrque is known for meth and radiation.

Guyinroom83 How close are you to the border???

TunedToKey Too close for comfort

JQuickDraw Supporter That was a sitcom

RonGreen1 Turn left in Albuquerque. - Bugs Bunny

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Pismo Beach!

TunedToKey The case against Danny Masterson is wild. No evidence and a long sentence

TunedToKey The Gov put a second public health order in where she now bans guns anywhere that has children around ie parks, restaurants, and pretty much everywhere
thrasybulus People also release things on Fri night to get the least attention in the news cycle. It's old news by Mon.

TunedToKey This will also likely get knocked down

TunedToKey Deaths by guns isnt a public health issue

Guyinroom83 I never want to hear emergency order again
thrasybulus Conspiracy Against Rights is a criminal charge for this.

TunedToKey Conceal carry people are literally the smallest demographics of ones tha commit crime. Even smaller number than off duty cops

Guyinroom83 Mentioning Chicago: added to drinking game
thrasybulus 18 USC 241: Conspiracy against rights

Guyinroom83 Steel fuel doesn't melt jet beams, fyi

Guyinroom83 Bomb threats are sent almost as much as tweets
thrasybulus Why would you threaten before bombing? Just makes it less likely to succeed.

Guyinroom83 And those were the good old days.

Guyinroom83 A bomb a day keeps the doc away.

RonGreen1 Conspiracy theory - Is the New Mexico gun ban a ploy to give Hunter a defense for his gun charges?

TunedToKey I think they are doing the Hunter gun case to push the more serious charges to passed their statute of limitation date in 2024
thrasybulus If we ban guns successfully, knife crime will increase.

TunedToKey Yep, look at the UK
thrasybulus Nashville, the press tried to blame the Daily Wire.

Guyinroom83 NYC has moved onto to subway pushing violence

JQuickDraw Supporter People can do horrific bodily damage with a knife.

TunedToKey Look at the Nashville trans shooter. She specifically picked that school since she knew they didnt have a PO on campus
thrasybulus I remember the story about how kids used to bring there rifles to school on public buses in DC before the late 60s.

TunedToKey Yes, for rifle class
thrasybulus NYPD once shot a bunch of bystanders with bad aim. Tried to blame the suspect they were shooting at.

jbsx Sometimes the only way to stop someone from committing suicide is to kil them

TunedToKey This has the Clinton's written all over it

TunedToKey "Stop stabbing yourself, STOP STABBING YOURSELF!" - The guy who stabbed her
thrasybulus People generally dont stab themselves intentionally.

JQuickDraw Supporter Stabbing yourself postmortem is almost as bad as shooting yourself twice in the back of your head.
thrasybulus People generally need training to overcome the instinct to not stab instead of slash.

TunedToKey Do we get a palette cleanser after all this scary stabbin talk?

JQuickDraw Supporter Cap'n Stabbin lol

JQuickDraw Supporter Or maybe there were two killers, stabbing simultaneously in the front and back?
thrasybulus There are a number of suicides that shoot themselves twice in the head because the first is a graze from flinching.

JQuickDraw Supporter The back of their head, with a rifle?

RonGreen1 I saw a street fight where one guy pulled out a knife and kept trying to stab the other guy, but the knife had a sheep's foot blade, and wouldn't do any stabbing.

TunedToKey woof

TunedToKey Amen, Chicago
thrasybulus I have a public health emergency so I am waiving the govs rights to a trial and to cruel and unusual punishment.
thrasybulus Suicide by cop.
thrasybulus IRA used to call in threats of bombing to f with the brits, damage property, but not outrage people due to deaths.
thrasybulus An axe is a multitool that can be used to decapitate people.
thrasybulus Sheepfoot has no point. Common among sailors knives.

JQuickDraw Supporter Actually, you can use basic kitchen cutlery to decapitate people.
thrasybulus Multiple wives fits with some traditions. Aloha Snackbar.
thrasybulus Tradcon can be either.

TunedToKey Pearl is only 25 but looks 40 something

JQuickDraw Supporter She has tired eyes, which makes her look older.
thrasybulus Poly societies men have less opportunities, so they are encouraged to raid women from elsewhere. Jihad, Viking raids.
thrasybulus Monog society has greater internal social stability.
thrasybulus The greatest indicator of a coming civil war is large populations of unmarried young men.

JQuickDraw Supporter What does power in a man's hands sound like? Hadouken!
thrasybulus Official mistress was a position not unkown to people.

RonGreen1 Anna and The King. Multiple wives worked for the king.
thrasybulus Gengis Khan had like 1,000 wives and only one kid each.
thrasybulus How dare she get him and not me. - female outrage

TunedToKey She got manhandled
thrasybulus How dare he get her and not me. Oh wait, he's attractive, rich, and famous. Never mind. - Male Outrage

TunedToKey She wailed on him

JQuickDraw Supporter If this cradle's a rockin, call the cops, like now.
thrasybulus Said it last time, Women don't understand how capable of inflicte=ing damage men are. They also think they are more capable than they are. Thanks hollywood.

RonGreen1 Thieves should be head stomped. Regardless of gender.

TunedToKey Citizen's arrest until the police come to arrest you haha
thrasybulus The hand on neck can easily be about positional control.

RonGreen1 It should have been a rope around her neck.

TunedToKey Ron, you are spicy tonight
thrasybulus Being on top of her on ground opens you to attack by an accomplice.

JQuickDraw Supporter This post exhibits the typical logic on the left. They think you should just let someone take your shit and insurance will make it all better.
thrasybulus Rocket Propelled Grenade?

JQuickDraw Supporter Really Poor Grammar
thrasybulus Video games are still a thing? Surprising. Cant fix stupid I guess.

JQuickDraw Supporter Someone's a hater lol
thrasybulus Just had a life.

JQuickDraw Supporter At this point, both sides in the culture war have become super sensitized to even the slightest transgressions, such that they go looking for reasons to be indignant and shocked.

h8yourst8 Supporter my hobby is being sanctimonious
thrasybulus Judgement
thrasybulus I judge, you judge, we all judge.

h8yourst8 Supporter how does this gibe with the "wage gap"?

h8yourst8 Supporter men can get shorter any time they want

RonGreen1 Perhaps women need more education.😂

JQuickDraw Supporter Well, there are devices that can pump you up, so to speak lol

h8yourst8 Supporter i got a women's scholarship when i went to college

JQuickDraw Supporter You go girl

TunedToKey Lesbian Dance Theory or Underwater Basket Weaving, H8?

h8yourst8 Supporter i'm assuming absolutely no women applied

JQuickDraw Supporter Theories of Non-Binary Gender Fluidity?
thrasybulus I remember the ideal as the 6 6s. 6 figure income, car, house, 6 inches, 6 ft, 6 pack abs.

JQuickDraw Supporter The first time I heard about the 3 6s, I was like, women want to get with the antichrist?

h8yourst8 Supporter those are the gases now. wait til apple removes all carbon

TunedToKey Agreed, Chicago

h8yourst8 Supporter 4'11" min height

TunedToKey Generally speaking, ofc

TunedToKey Yep
thrasybulus Women generally want a man with at least as much education.

TunedToKey And men usually dont care about a woman's education

JQuickDraw Supporter When Beverly says she wants 3 sixes, she means her man should have 3 six sided dice. 🙂
thrasybulus No such thing as the ideal partner. We all "settle" for our best option.

h8yourst8 Supporter just program the ai
thrasybulus Men know what women want to some degree. Women seem to think men want the same thing.

h8yourst8 Supporter once every blue moony

RonGreen1 Cooking is the most valuable trait for any woman.
thrasybulus @RG Sewing. Basic cooking is easier to find.

h8yourst8 Supporter alex prefers to be called "baby gurl"

JQuickDraw Supporter I would choose household management, like a manager of a hotel, which includes being good managing a budget. Being good with money is a skill most humans don't have.
thrasybulus Y chromasomeless ones.

JQuickDraw Supporter Broads

JQuickDraw Supporter Dames

RonGreen1 Dishwashers 🤣

h8yourst8 Supporter very few guys in the 7 7 7 club

Captkylepatrl0t Greetings patriots,. How well prepared are you via the incoming currency crash and the coming of Nesara Gesara ? Text me on telegram to enlighten you more

JQuickDraw Supporter @Captkylepatrl0t If I join your telegram, will I get the opportunity to blow shit up?
thrasybulus Mods?
thrasybulus Dr salaries are widely variable based on specialty.
thrasybulus 6 figure car, 6 figure car

h8yourst8 Supporter trucks are 80k now, so.
thrasybulus 6 figure house
thrasybulus Almost all from meat. A little bit of amino acids from grass.
thrasybulus 🦁 eats meat.
thrasybulus Inside cats outlive outdoor in general.
thrasybulus Runt.
thrasybulus Nine fingers.

JQuickDraw Supporter Is that because of so many outdoor cats dying young, which skews the averages? Kinda like infant deaths bringing down human life expectancy in ancient times.
thrasybulus Why are dressing like they lost a bet?

h8yourst8 Supporter there's a pile of beaks at the front step
thrasybulus 39:28
thrasybulus Praise the kitty.
thrasybulus Cats are like republicans, they pounce.
thrasybulus That fashion show 39:28 in is just proof of stupid as high art.

h8yourst8 Supporter yet the illegals are fine
thrasybulus He not only won some tourney recently, but it was sponsored by Moderna. The tv gave him the Moderna shot of the day.
thrasybulus Sell out doesnt understand why someone wont sell out for way more than him.

h8yourst8 Supporter it was like 15% placebos. so it's even deadlier

JQuickDraw Supporter This "reporter" is a joke.
thrasybulus Megyn Kelly?

h8yourst8 Supporter haiti, no vax, better death rates

h8yourst8 Supporter in a country with no health care
thrasybulus Fewer eldery obese people in Haiti.

h8yourst8 Supporter but they also have the clinton foundation

h8yourst8 Supporter so less healthy kids

JQuickDraw Supporter Dr John Campbell I believe

h8yourst8 Supporter once you give a drug company indemnity... watch out

JQuickDraw Supporter Once you give anyone or any group indemnity, they're pretty much guaranteed to at some point in the near future do bad things.

h8yourst8 Supporter twat segue?

JQuickDraw Supporter "Let's do the next twat!"

h8yourst8 Supporter before the pandemic i assumed australians had balls

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly "The Cannibal" wondering what a better death rate means lol
thrasybulus Stir crazy starts after how long?

h8yourst8 Supporter 6 weeks

JQuickDraw Supporter No Alex, video games CAUSE violence. The Republicans said so. Also pron is bad.
thrasybulus ABC was TGIF. Boy Meets World, Step by Step.

h8yourst8 Supporter so the bird took their balls?
thrasybulus Austrailians are the descendants of prisoners and their jailers.
thrasybulus Reddit rage please.
thrasybulus That 70's Show. Hyde.
thrasybulus His brother played the older brother on Malcolm in the Middle.

h8yourst8 Supporter they are idiots, but they are your peers
thrasybulus Some people tend to believe in guilty until proven innocent.

h8yourst8 Supporter people hear a superficial description of a case, make up their mind about it, and if the verdict aligns with their conclusions the system worked

h8yourst8 Supporter barbie's razor

h8yourst8 Supporter i come here for emotional support
thrasybulus There was a famous case where journalism students got a convicted murderer freed and its likely he did it and they did shoddy work.
thrasybulus They went back to the scene and showed how it wasn't possible. They missed the fact the scene had undergone renovation in the intervening years.

h8yourst8 Supporter and all the free games

JQuickDraw Supporter Is that retroactive? So you install it 5 times, and on the 6th install they charge you $1.20?

h8yourst8 Supporter they should ebgames that stock

JQuickDraw Supporter Sounds like Unity may be getting a visit from the SEC.
thrasybulus Doc about the case in question.

h8yourst8 Supporter cotton-eyed joe is also a terrible song

h8yourst8 Supporter how dare you alex, the music industry is known for it's rock solid ethics

h8yourst8 Supporter front row

h8yourst8 Supporter cotton-eye joe is a civil war era song
thrasybulus Syphllis is catchy.

JQuickDraw Supporter The follow-up song, Milk-eyed Jim, was not nearly as popular.

h8yourst8 Supporter milk eyed jim, the later stages of syphilis

JQuickDraw Supporter Thank you, Beverly, I was losing sleep wondering if you got those Bagel Bites.

RonGreen1 Bidenomics is working. Said no one ever.
thrasybulus I found my fav gourmet soda for a dollar a bottle instead of the normal $2.5-3 recently and now its 16 instead of 12 oz. Was so happy.

h8yourst8 Supporter "ground cherries" isn't that bear shit?
thrasybulus I got all 14 bottles they had.

h8yourst8 Supporter alex hand grinding beans
thrasybulus Its diabetes in a bottle so I have to space them out.

RonGreen1 French press is what I use too.

h8yourst8 Supporter beverly eats "smart pills" too

h8yourst8 Supporter she just picks stuff up and eats it

h8yourst8 Supporter i have ramps in my yard
thrasybulus Theres the field test. Rub it on the back of your hand wait an hour. If no reaction, rub on lips wait an hour, etc.

h8yourst8 Supporter you can rub it on the other end
thrasybulus Just pour it mixed with your pee on a rabbit.

JQuickDraw Supporter Rubbing it on your skin and lips sounds like a sexual fetish to me.
thrasybulus Note he went to a place where no one could boo, heckle, or hold up signs.

RonGreen1 Did he say brown zero?🤣

h8yourst8 Supporter they didn't want joe to run the first time either

JQuickDraw Supporter Joe's really got the "uncomfortably wobbly old man" shtick down.

h8yourst8 Supporter all politicians lie about their backgrounds, he just does it more

h8yourst8 Supporter and badly

h8yourst8 Supporter he's george santos

RonGreen1 I think Biden is just a retard.

h8yourst8 Supporter he drove the 18 wheeler that hit his wife's car

JQuickDraw Supporter Biden lied big time about his college accomplishments.

h8yourst8 Supporter super tuesday
thrasybulus Tuesday 9/11, 2001
thrasybulus Sunday Dec 7, 1941

h8yourst8 Supporter building 7! never remember!
thrasybulus Vietnam

RonGreen1 World leaders don't care about what the says about Biden. They know he's a clown show.

RonGreen1 *the media says about Biden
thrasybulus Joe was in Vietnam on 9/11 2023
thrasybulus Dec 7 1941 was Pearl Harbor day. "A date which will live in infamy."

h8yourst8 Supporter seward's folly

JQuickDraw Supporter Actually, overseas news shows were reporting on building 7 collapsing BEFORE it fell.
thrasybulus Remember when Biden was guided around the WH lawn by someone in a bunny suit on Easter?

JQuickDraw Supporter The Pickle Rick episode spawned a whole generation of assholes. Sorry not sorry.

h8yourst8 Supporter way to pronounce it correctly
thrasybulus Cyrptonomicon
thrasybulus Quiksilver

JQuickDraw Supporter You can never have enough stalkers.
thrasybulus This is your brain on...

JQuickDraw Supporter In the Beginning Was the Command Line
thrasybulus It was a PSA reference. This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -

h8yourst8 Supporter provide the emotional support in the first half hour

h8yourst8 Supporter go eat a road apple

JQuickDraw Supporter For Beverly, Double Ds come first

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