The lion is the second largest feline in the world.

9 months ago

Wild World

Lions are the only felines that live in social groups called "herds" or "prides". A pride of lions usually consists of a dominant male, several females and their cubs. Males have a mane, while females do not. They are mainly found in sub-Saharan Africa, but also exist in a small population in Gir Forest National Park in India. Lions are excellent hunters and work as a team to capture their prey. Its roars can be heard from up to 8 km away. They have great senses of sight and hearing, which helps them in hunting and detecting enemies. They are lazy creatures that sleep around 20 hours a day. Females are responsible for hunting, while males protect the territory. Lions are also skilled swimmers and are not afraid of going into the water. The cubs are called "little lions" and are born with brown spots that disappear over time. Females care for their young and form strong bonds with them. When a new male takes control of the herd, he often kills the previous male's young to ensure his lineage. Lions have sharp teeth and powerful claws to grab and tear their prey. They are territorial animals and mark their territory with urine and scratching trees. Additionally, they are known for their strategic hunting skills and have a powerful bite that can break the spine of their prey. Adult male lions can weigh between 150 and 250 kg, while females weigh between 110 and 180 kg. Their claws are retractable and their imposing appearance and dominant behavior make them known as the kings of the jungle.

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