70 to 80% against the spread on NFL games Week 2-2023

1 year ago

Ask yourself / who is making you money ?

Bet The Process This is the CNBC Bloomberg Fox Business Of Sportsbetting
In this video, we're going to give you our predictions for NFL games against the spread for the entire 2016-2023 season. We'll cover all the games, which teams we're betting on, and give you our tips on how to make the most out of your bets!
Making the lives of Sports fans better by giving them free actionable complete comprehensive information on every game to build their bank rolls

The same process using decision science and math you use to pick and investment is the same process you use to pick the teams that has the highest probability of monetizing your time watching the game

The same process using decision science and math you use tt o pick and investment is the same process you use to pick the teams that has the highest probability of monetizing your time watching the game
all the Podcast are posted; available on all Podcast Networks

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