The UN's Under-Secretary | Check Description

1 year ago

From a fellow Anon & well said but just a heads up Frens... The more this evil, these people, and the truth is exposed the more we will be censored & silence. I fully expect another massive purge like what we went through October 2020, 2 weeks prior to the fraud that occurred Nov 3rd 2020. Keep shining your light Frens & exposing the darkness in our world. We’re winning & we will win.

The UN's Under-Secretary -General for Global Comms Melissa Flemings says we are in an Information War & Calls to Ramp up Response to “Misinformation”

They cannot silence us.

Trillions of dollars, global power & influence vs the will of the people, our memes, and a little green frog named pepe.

They are losing the info war & they know it.

The NWO can Kiss our ass!!!!

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