9/21/23 Intentional Weakening of America "All the President’s Men" part 4 S3E7p4

1 year ago

“Intentional Weakening of America”
If you love America like I do, you’ve likely been mourning the inevitable death of the Republic ever since the first impeachment inquiry was opened against former president Donald Trump. Some of us knew even then that this was just the beginning of a political death spiral from which the country would likely never recover. And here we are, looking at potentially the third impeachment in five years! America is not becoming stronger because of all this, but weaker. Prophetically speaking, of course it has to happen this way, as God promised two thousand years ago. Today on Something’s Happening Here, we put on our prophecy hats and study the “Intentional Weakening of America” from the pages of Revelation.

"All the President’s Men" Part 4: 9/21/23
All this week, Something’s Happening Here looks at the recent impeachment inquiry opened against president Joe Biden to determine the lessons God wants us to learn from it.

Season 3 Episode 7
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