SLAVES: The Weather Has Changed — Whether Slaves or A Jubilee

1 year ago

SLAVES: The Weather Has Changed — Whether Slaves or A Jubilee

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A Slave Society

Today we’re talking about SLAVES, their trials and tribulations and the Jubilee right in front of us.

You already have been made a slave; mentality, physically, spiritually. Go to work, home again back to work.

But wHy wouldn’t tHey take the next step – to enslave you.
tHey have you trained-
-SMART CITY here 👁️ come.

Giving the debt slaves a VACATION – how absurd
As if the Mortgage Death Grip ends
All of the regular expenses continue
Ah, the perils of life’s unexpected Covidcation
Some got paid $700.00 a week to stay at home during the big shutdown of 2021.
tHey became like their spiritual leader-a debtor

This is the foundation of the modern day ‘slave-debt’ system and its Maritime Law.
Various videos
All of the videos are good. Some are longer in length than others.

What else was going on 1666?

Robert Sepehr
1666 and the Dark Messiah
Sabbatai Zevi
Sepehr rambles for several minutes in the beginning.
In every age there have been a few Antichrist inspired men and women.
Today we have a Pleater a literal
Cornucopia of anychrists

Now that we’re f and happy we may as well have some fun

~ Built For Comfort ~
Some folk built like this
Some folk built like that
But the way I'm built
Don't you call me fat
Because I'm built for comfort
I ain't built for speed
But I got everything
All good girls need

Howlin’ Wolf
Built For Comfort

We ain’t built for anxiety, and depression.
We’re here to lead, not here to bleed
We are made for work but not to be a slave
We’re here to make A-Difference like a craftsman
John McAfee
Admit It You Are A Slave
Be sure to read what TroyTron writes in his description box.
Feel free to follow him if his channel is something you may enjoy.

We are Slaves to the this Reality! We have been Lied to and Tricked into believing a Reality that doesn’t work for Adam’s seed.

What would you druther do. This is the avocation you were meant to fulfill.

Not the meaningless widget connection to a wingnut-job you are currently working !

How Does It Feel Waking Up From The Illusion In Slavery

72 Enumerated Unspoken Laws of the Bloodline families.
#64 Oh yes, so grand of their illusion of freedom be, they will never know they are our slaves.

I am currently Spiritually Saved by faith in the shed blood of Jesus for my sins. My works exhibit Yashua.
That doesn’t mean I am saved from every trial and bump on life’s road.
I maybe Spiritually Sovereign by faith in God’s Word. That doesn’t exempt me from natural law.

God has promised in HIS WORD it would not come back to him void.

Isaiah 55:11

One interpretation maybe; God can send out a one word answer. Sometimes, that’s all you will get is in prayer is One Word.
But in that One Word is filled with a God Devised Plan.
That One Word can be a field of dreams.
That One Word is a life plan, a direction, a hope, a door, a promise, the way.
This is the way to take the Narrow Way.

Isaiah 30:21-23
You imagine you are sovereign, you imagine you are free; are you still eating the processed food?
Are you drinking the Cabal’s drinks.

When you’re coming out of Slavery. Similar to when the Christ Consciousness entered into your life.
The Scales fell from your eyes. Seeing for the very first time there is a better way to live.

The lessons of life, you have already learned will come into sharp focus.
You will see where you did the right.

And you will see where you failed. Then in sharp relief how God has had to make a work around; to turn-a-not-so-good-situation, into your favor.

God always always always has a workaround, a way to solve the fix we’ve gotten ourselves into.

The Stanley Brothers
Somebody Touch Me

“We are at the final tug of war with the worldwide financial system. Their ‘debt-slave’ system is the main apparatus that controls Humanity. As their Energy & resources dwindle, losing grip & control on this final chess board, the war on Humanity, pockets of attacks will continue & get more extreme. In the occult numerology & symbolism, there are key dates coming up — 9/11 being one of them.”
@Cosmic Light Force
More in the link

We’re talking about Slaves and Slavery

It is normal for a Slave recently set free, to have a sense of letdown to be extremely tired?

Debt Slavery
“What was once the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, America has become the Land of the Meek and Home of the Indentured Slaves.🇺🇸”

My grandfather, on my mother’s side, was a Share Cropper. The person who owned the land had a 50% stake in the proposition and the Share Cropper purchased the grain, planted it, tilled it, prayed for rain and harvested it.
The land owner took 50% of the take. No no no, not 50% of the profits, but 50% of the take.

For the formerly trained. The Land Owner took 50% of the gross!

For many former slaves, this was a way of life. Share Croppers, if the crop failed, they were still liable for the seed.

Being a Share Cropper (worldwide) is still slavery called by any other name is still a serf.

Portal to ascension

Mark 4:22
22 For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been kept secret, but that it would come to light[that is, things are hidden only temporarily, until the appropriate time comes for them to be known].

David Wilcock

We are living in the great reveal. When our origins will be known. What really happened 12,000 years ago in our forgotten Garden.

By contrast we will know our end. What is the just reconciliation for sin, transgressing the program, going cross grain of the natural grain of Divine Love.

God always has a workaround, a way to fix our DNA to fixing a tear in the continuity of the web of consciousness.
God can even fix a vaxx wriddled body.

God can also keep you in the midst of a Vaccine rich environment of shedders. Have no anxiety about your life.

Matthew 6:25-34
27 And who of you by worrying can add one [a]hour to [the length of] his life?

A new Commander and a New Commandment I give to you
John 3:34-35

For some of you, this is not new information.
For others, I will point out, this is the overarching will of God for your life.
Some may say, I don’t know what I am to do with my Christian Faith?
Here is the very first item on every Christ-man’s, Christ-woman’s list; is to show kindnesses and deference to everyone else. Placing others before yourself.

I know that sounds odd in our self-esteem-first-society.

He that would be the great
Luke 22:24-27

We are to begin living in the Humanitarian Age, the Golden Age before we get there. In the Golden Age, All Men Lifting All Men. The age of Aquarius, the Age of Light and Love.

The 5th Dimension
AQUARIUS ~ Let The Sunshine In - [Extended]
Read in the description about this song. Remarks about astrology in 2023.
I saw “Hair” a Rock Opera of which the song above by The 5th Dimension was in the play. I saw “Hair” live in Seattle at the famous Fillmore Theater in Downtown Seattle in 1969.

In the 60s there was a hopeful desire for the dawning of a new age. The movement was infiltrated and hijacked then turned into a Satanic Revival.

We are transitioning out of the Age of Darkness and Hate. The grey dawn has been on the horizon since the 1960s.

The Triplet Princes were dispatched Faith, Hope and Love, they relinquished but yet a little while.

The Boa Constrictor tightened his grip on 9/11/01 and 45 days later the Patriot Act is birthed out of the ashes of the Twin Towers.

The Patriot Act gave us the Homeland Security Department. Specifically written to be able to spy on the American people.

Obama used the Homeland Security Department to go after the Tea Party in 2011. The Tea Party had applied for a 503 c (3) nonprofit status, which made them a target for the DOJ, IRS, and Homeland Security.

The Triplet Princes are back
Not to be so easily detoured, Faith, Hope and Love
Are pounding on the giant brass doors with a mighty ………

I used to pray; put a great Weight upon me and I will carry it. I can’t pray like that anymore.
I found that a spiritual weight comes with physical weight. A spiritual weight placed on a spirit transfers to the body. The body is bowed down from carrying such a spiritual weight.
Why, working with homeless, I saw so much hopelessness.

I asked an old saint. With so many needs and so many men and women who pass before me. Who should I help?
I could not help all of them, but would it really help them or would it further sabotage them.

The old saint told me something that I hope helps someone in any similar situation. Who should I help?

She said. “Help the ones who brighten before you. They seem to light’n up. Those who temporarily brighten. Those are the ones you are able to help.”

The brand that burns brightly
Jude 1:22-23

Transhuemanism 3.0
A Dark To Light Episode
A computer and the associated physical equipment directly involved in the performance of data-processing or communications functions.
The programs, routines, and symbolic languages that control the functioning of the hardware and direct its operation.
The hueman brain, considered functionally similar to computer hardware and software
Software which closely imitates or interacts with the hueman mind; a starving for data Artificial Intelligence or virtual reality program.
Neuralink is a gadget that will be surgically inserted into the brain using robotics by neurosurgeons. In this procedure, a chipset, called the link is implanted in the skull. It has a number of insulated wires connected from the electrodes that are used in the process. This device can then be used to operate smartphones and computers without having to touch it. Republic
Also known as Doxware, is a new more potent, and dangerous form of ransomware.
When a ransomware Attack containing Leakware occurs, the attacker threatens to publicize personal data (confidentiality attack) from the victim’s hard drive unless the ransom is paid. This is in addition to the encryption of their files (availability attack).
If we, as Wetware have been corrupted by an AI, we are no longer 100% Hueman.
Much like a program that has been invaded and captured by a stronger more agile AI program.
Transhuemanism is Mindware that has been corrupted by someone or something hacking your Wetware with Leakware. The AI is seeking data, experiences.
Your most intimate thoughts are now open to blackmail through Doxware or worse yet, the AI will know when you are planning an escape.
You will be a known quantity to the NWO. No need for prison camps, you will be a prisoner in your own mind.
Your MIND will be your prison.
How are you going to escape this prison; without betraying yourself to the Doxware?
Welcome to your new SLAVE 3.0 HuemanWare. And so it was called
A complete and utter SLAVE to the Hive System, directly connected to the NWO through an internalized AI.
This is what the Bloodline of Cain has planned for the 10% of Huemanity who survive the COVID vaccinations.
You will be the Satanic Monster’s
•Breeding Stock,
•House Pets,
•House Plants,
•Off-world Equity,
•Toys and
•Tradies in their dark dystopian hell.
Cradle to grave care though, the Monsters will provide Hueman Husbandry, and an assigned Hueman Veterinarian
The Bloodline of Cain are Psychotic Vampiric Monsters.
Give the Monsters No Quarter.
Think while you are still capable.
Awaken, while there is a sliver of light, a glimmer of hope. There is yet a glimmer of light breaking through darkening clouds.

Resist Now the NWO, while we enter this narrow window of opportunity. Enter in now into this parting of the water, to escape the Monsters. Like Moses of old.

When Moses and the great horde of the Hebrews crossover the Red Sea. The entire Egyptian Army hot on their heels to chase them through the roiling waters on ether side.

When the Children of Israel are safely on the other side. Moses asks his older sister to sing a victorious song.
You know the sister who picked Moses out of the reed and out of the water.
We’ll ask Miriam to sing a song on the other side.
Exodus 15:20-21
“Horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea.” That was the best line of her and her performance group of Miriam and the Timbrel Tunes.

And we’ll all sing, ‘we’ll all understand it by-and-by.’
We’ll Understand It Better By and By
The Davis Sisters


Onesimus was a slave in 30 AD. A handwritten letter written by Paul to Philemon asking him to receive Onesimus back into his home, as he would Paul.

Onesimus, may have been a run away from his master Philemon, he had been with Paul, helping him while Paul was in Jail.

Paul was in jail because he had been preaching Christ and him Crucified.
Meaning Paul was in jail because he is saying Jesus the Christ was a higher and better God than Caesar.
In Roman culture, Caesar is considered a god.
There was no higher blasphemy than to consider someone of higher preeminence than Caesar.
No free speech in Ancient Rome

Paul’s letter to

What are possibilities?
What would you rather be doing?
I know that didn’t help
Let’s put it this way.
If you have ever thought.
If I had enough time and energy; I would like to do – What?

When entering into a Jubilee the
first six months you will spend resting up.
If you were anything like me, working 60-70 hours every week.
Then if you had time off it was doing something fun and exciting. Because you knew your time off would be wasted if you had a staycation.
Or you just didn’t have the money, so you stayed on the job; because you couldn’t think of something that Was that more important.

Don’t you see that’s the problem!

What would i rather be doing; to make the world a better place?

No wonder people are having trouble breaking out of their servitude. Think of Others.

We are moving into the Humanitarian Age. The AGE Of a different kind of SERVICE to OTHERS.
Seeking to out serve one another. I know it sounds outrageous now.

@We The People Telegram
“The world as we know it, has perished.
Mother nature has taken back what is hers, but in this demolished world, one person found the key to survive, after discovering advanced quantum computing, known as Q.

“He reveals the path to a new era and a new world is set, to rise from the ashes.
Are you ready to take back what is ours?”

Satan takes the material available, turns it upside down, inverts it, makes it backwards, flips it, perverts it, reverses it, and soils it.

Take for instance Love.
Flip it
Invert it
Pervert it
Soil it

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The first example is how it really appears; but we’ve been tricked, again, into thinking the second example is proper way see reality.

Slaves set free have a difficulty seeing reality.

Until we can train our ocular vision to stop switching around our viewed reality.

Slaves’ reality, in the beginning, may switch back and forth.

Backward to Upside Down, to Right-side Up and Right to Left.

Slaves will continue to be treated as a Slave.
Continue to be ordered about as if he were a slave.

That’s how food servers, housekeeping staff, of why they are treated poorly because they are doing slave labor and they act like it.

Because they act a slave and not like a Kardashian family member.

There continues to be a Caste System in India. Who developed that system of degradation and segregation?
It certainly wasn’t the Lower Caste in Indian society.

People are enslaved because they cannot extricate themselves, but by death or an unlikely escape.

There must be a Jubilee
What is Biblical Jubilee

There must be a Jubilee. If God Almighty has ordained there must be a Jubilee every 50 years.

And we, as an Urth people, have not had a Jubilee for thousands of years! This next Jubilee will be the restoration of thousands of lifetimes of the Jubilee compounded !

God returns what the canker worm has eaten. God sets free the indentured Slave.

Joel 2:25

Here Is The Truth • What
It is better to ask God what
If you ask for some thing
You may never receive
I too know the scripture •

Here is a truth • What
Agreeing with God
Is better than begging
For something that may harm
Ask God what He would•

Here is a truth •What
Ask what He would have of you
If you ask Who or When or Where
You are dictating to the Shepherd
Asking What, allows you to be led•

Here’s a truth •What
Will you be led of the Shepherd
What will it cost you in friends
What will it cost you in family
What will it cost you to be•What

Here is a truth • What
It will cost you is nothing less
Than your absolute all
He laid down His absolute all
And you want are laurels and gewgaws•

Here is the truth • What
Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying Whom shall I send and who will go
Then said, Here am I, send me
He said Go and tell •what you know

Here is a truth • What
Has He been asking you to be•
What God asks you to do
Not what you may desire
But what He may desire of you•

Hear the truth • saying What•
•Always leads to who
•Always leads to where
•Always leads to how
•Always leads you to His providence

Here is the truth • What
I did what I could
What most good I could
I once was once young
And now I am old • What

Frances Ridley Havergal (14 December 1836 – 3 June 1879) when she was told she would die soon. She threw her arms into the air to exclaim, “All this and heaven too!” • What

This Is Like Heaven To Me
1 We find many people who can’t understand
Why we are so happy and free.
We’ve crossed over Jordan to Canaan’s fair land,
And this is like Heaven to me.

Oh, this is like Heaven to me,
Yes, this is like Heaven to me;
I’ve crossed over Jordan to Canaan’s fair land,
And this is like Heaven to me.

2 So when we are happy we sing and we shout;
Some don’t understand us, I see.
We’re filled with the Spirit, there isn’t a doubt,
And this is like Heaven to me. [Refrain]

Frank Sinatra
All This And Heaven Too


Simpsons Prediction
A time when the internet goes down. EBS

Battle of Principalities & Powers


I have miles to go before I sleep…

September 23
Demonic HipHop Music
We’re headed for higher ground
Remember Remember September Twenty Third
September 23

Fake President

The Raven
A Life Lesson

Transgender Agenda

@We The People Telegram
🌟 The Deep State's Final Gambit: A Last Stand🌟

Hold tight, for the Deep State is about to unleash their last, desperate cards that they've been clutching onto, their hope fading into obscurity.

Let your faith stand unwavering, for in the grand scheme of things, it is the unwavering spirit who triumphs. Keep in mind:
MORE in the link above

@Qanon The Great Awakening
“They want to destroy what [they] can not control. OUR VOICES WILL NO LONGER BE SILENCED!”
MORE in the link above

#Children #OrganHarvesting #HumanTrafficking
it is real wealthy rich people, for real wealthy, that think you are worthless alive. You are wasting space wasting the economy, wasted, they really talk like this
It is true please take it from me. You are priceless dead to them. Even your index finger and thumb are worth $375 on the black market.

And don’t let your teenybopper daughter go to the Mall by herself. They disappear. It will be the last place they are seen.

Hidden Order
Pink Floyd
Stoner Version

Gay man says what others are thinking







We are living in such a day

I Will Send Out An Army

People talk about channeling, or channeled information.
Many confess to be channeling this entity or this being, some a million year old saintly sage space alien.

I confess, my intent is to be a channel for the Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit sent by Jesus to be a Witness to this world, and to be an encouragement to the saints.
A vessel for Him

Dear Adam-Eve
How y’all do’n. We be good too.
When Will This Nightmare End!!

We’re on a 12,000 year run. Others say 6,000 years. But I think with all of Resets, and Great Resets we have been through. I think we’re closer to 12,000 years.

Then ask your most persistent, pertinent, prominent and problematic question.

DO NOT sign your name NOR put your return address on the envelope.

Send this letter, including one federal reserve note. (two dollars if you’re asking a really big question)

Send this letter:
And you will receive an answer no later than Rosh HaShanah

Kinda like burying a St.Joseph figurine in your front yard if you’re having trouble selling your house. But I don’t know much about that cause I’m not Catholic.
It only worked once anyways ~.

Josh Reid
I’m Offended

Ralph Stanley
Because He Loves Me

The End

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