Controlled Demolition From the Federal Reserve - Dollar Vigilante

1 year ago

'Put political thumbnail for clickbait' nah not me.

Yes conservatives. Yes non conservative "truthers" yes intellectuals.
I'm "not supposed to watch cartoons or play video games" if I'm being a truther.

Well, apparently I think for myself. Not obeying what you say I 'should' do. I don't fit in with your mould. And that's just fine with me. Apparently those things have no effect on my level of knowing wtf is going on in the world.

Let's see. 1. The Vatican has ze jews the banksters working for them.
2. Ze jews were behind WW2 and planned for WW2 to accomplish their goal OF, WW3.
3. Ze Holocaust is a Holohoax.
4. George Washington was a coward and a fraud and he sold your America out to ze jews, and let ze jews enter America, and doomed America. He and Alehander Hamilton made a deal with a jew, Haym Salomon, which allowed ze jews to finally enter America. Until then, jews were FORBIDDEN from entering America and they were occupying Dutch territory.
5. Covid never existed. All your arguments about "oh but freedom of choice and it's less dangerous than the flu" No there IS NO COVID.
6. Lincoln was the worst president you ever had. Cuckservative christians. Surpassed maybe only by Biden.
7. Your CONSTITUTION is garbage. Your constitution died. Your constitution should be called the JEWstitution and your constitution doesn't fucking matter. Cuckservative-ass dumbass christian patriots.

Oh look I'm already 7 steps ahead of most of you conservative cuckservative christian truthers.

Watching The Kardashians, or watching Dragon Ball Z and never ever watching a single episode of The Kardashians, are two totally different things.

"You're not supposed to, you're an adult" And with that intelligent argument, this conversation is over.

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