@TheAntiNarc Theories on what makes a narcissist.

1 year ago

@TheAntiNarc Makes a pretty good breakdown explanation, of his theory on trauma response-making narcissists..... I think the environment has plenty to do with it, and I think everything is contagious. I think in the end ultimately what matters however dynamic the building blocks are, is whether you do what's right, and what's honest at every fork in the road, or you don't.

here is his video: https://youtu.be/7Gwl4rK_lUw?si=K8H00vykBHTv3fat

Personal development should reduce narcissism, but if the person becomes addicted to (making a routine of, a lifestyle from...etc.) taking, and receiving what they don't deserve - they will be undependable and untrustworthy.

I am ALWAYS to learn more and evolve my standpoint, I care more about learning in this journey than I do about being right. My spirit directs my mind and my actions, and for those I am responsible. I am responsible for researching, investigating, and discerning between what is truly right and truly wrong and any shortcomings in doing so make me susceptible to the wrong path, mistake, dedication to evil, loss of opportunity, etc. Should I fail to right what is wrong, it will underscore my very being as someone who stands by for evil to take place.

Much love,

#narcabuse #narcissism #narcissiticabuse

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