Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys This Interview EXPOSES Big Pharma, Vaccines & Autism

1 year ago

Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys This Interview EXPOSES Big Pharma, Vaccines & Autism

“CDC 19-Year Veteran — He's still at CDC and he's saying we lied about all of our science”

“Why is it that the press, let me ask you this, why is it that the press, that no, the PBC or any of the press, you know, you're, we're doing your science over here, CDC's budget science. Why is it that you're not covering the fact that the senior scientist at CDC, he's currently at CDC, a 19-year veteran, Dr. Bill Thompson, the author of the three principal studies that are the bedrock foundation for the assertion that thimerosal does not make kids sick or it doesn't give them autism.

He's now come forward, hired the best whistleblower attorney in the country. He's still at CDC and he's saying we lied about all of our science.

So how is it that these 350 organizations can say it's unequivocally safe? Where's their science? So what do you think's happening there? Because these are doctors, these are community health doctors. Doctors are not. They're just, they're lying. No, doctors are not scientists argument by credential.

Okay, CDC says it's science or what a scientist says it's science. What about the others? The World Health Organization, British scientists, Indian scientists? It's not science. Do you understand that? It's not science. Science is paper, research papers that are published on PubMed and there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them.

That's A, that primersol is unsaved, and there's not a single study that's as primersol is safe. And these 350 organizations, I'm now giving them a huge opportunity because probably a lot of them could use $100,000. So if they're not just talking out of their hat, they should show you the study. And guess what? If you beat them to the mailbox and send it to me, you're going to get the $100,000.

So instead of asking me, you know, why would these guys lie, just, I mean, I don't know. I can speculate, but all I think that they don't. Everyone would have to be lying, wouldn't they? No, no, no. In these huge organizations. This is what it is, and what the docs say. It's just the same thing that happened at the Catholic Church during the pedophiles scandal. It was a small number of priests who were actually part of the, you know, who were raping children, but everybody got subsumed in it the bishops, the Vatican, the press, the prosecutors, the public, everybody, and anybody who questioned, they became convinced that the institution was more important than the children it was supposed to protect. And they said, we have to make these sacrifices to the vaccine program. And what I'm saying is, look at the science. If I'm wrong about the science, then somebody can collect $100,000. If any people in that...

I'm putting my money where my mouth is. If somebody in those 350 organizations who just said that they are completely safe, there's no problem, all they have to do is come forward with one study that supports that, and I will write them a $100,000 check. They won't be able to do it because it doesn't exist. But they've said that they've already done that. Well, then show it to me. I'm not. I journal it. You know, I've.

People, and this is what journalists are supposed to learn their first year in journalism school, people in power lie. People in authority lie. Some of them don't know they're lying. Some of them are just repeating what they've heard. They repeat the orthodox, the institutional culture. And everybody believes you've got to support the vaccine program no matter what.

—— Well.. what i'm saying is what they said this is religion is not science what i'm saying is less for real science less finally the paper that says it's safe and i'll believe it but i don't believe government officials and i don't believe you know i have to be skeptical and we all ought to be skeptical why is it that?”

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