23.09.15 |

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Welcome to the last session of our Fall Student Revival! Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin, President of Rhema Bible Training College will be ministering at 10am. Please share the link and invite someone to be a part of your experience.

Also, if you are Rhema Word Partner, we thank you SO MUCH for your support of Rhema and RBTC! Your supply is significant in these last days, and it will abound to your heavenly account. If you would like to partner with us, please visit https://rhema.org/WPC or call us at 918-258-1588 ext. 2238, and we'll be glad to make that happen.

God bless you and enjoy the message. Listen intently, as God has something for you directly. And you just might find "your purpose" in these last days, right here at RBTC!

Do you know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? If not, today is the day to make the best decision you will EVER make. He loves you so much! To begin this awesome relationship with Him now please go to:
rhema.org/salvation OR
Call us at 918-258-1588 ext. 5566 between the hours of 8:30am & 4:30pm.
He will change your life for good! God bless you.

Would you like to partner with us to bring hope, help and healing to the world? Please visit Rhema.org/WPC

Here's how to connect with us:

Rhema USA Channel on ROKU: channelstore.roku.com/browse
Rhema USA on Youtube: youtube.com/rhemausa
Rhema Videos on Vimeo: vimeo.com/rhema
Facebook: fb.com/rhemabiblechurch
Rhema Youth: youtube.com/@RhemaYTH
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The Rhema App: subsplash.com/rhema/app

RBTC.org (Rhema Bible Training College)

CCLI # 462290 | Stream License # CSPL062843)

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