The Empire of Kasach english EP 25

1 year ago

Chapter 47: The loss of EK Asimov and the end of an era.
The story revolves around the tragic death of EK Asimov and the tragic death of Emma Hart, a highly respected chief scientist. The ship is attacked by an unknown alien species, and despite the resistance of the crew, it manages to survive. In a final act to prevent valuable information from reaching the enemy, a nuclear detonator is activated, igniting a fireball. This tragic loss marks the end of an era of groundbreaking discoveries and scientific knowledge. The Empire remains undeterred in its quest for redemption and expansion, driven by an irrepressible will to fulfill Emma Hart's legacy. Sevia Heimber, the Divine Empress, is deeply affected by the loss of Emma and her daughter, and her heart is filled with profound sorrow. The story of Emma Hart and the death of EK Asimov will continue to haunt the minds of those affected by the events of the past.

Chapter 48: The Appointment of Rita Griffin.
In a grand symphony, God-Empress Sevia Heimber announces the appointment of eminent scientist Rita Griffin as the new Head of Knowledge. This event highlights the nation's struggle and doubt following the tragic loss of EK Asimov and his crew, including the original Chief Scientist Emma Hart. Rita's name is seen as a powerful symbol of the quest for knowledge and the ability to uncover the underlying mysteries of the universe. In an era of darkness, her name is seen as a shining light of hope, guiding the exploration and expansion of the world. Sevia realizes that she and Rita must work together to strengthen the Empire and overcome the unimaginable challenges they face. With each of her faces, she is ready to meet that challenge and carry Emma Hart's unwavering conviction into the eternal future.

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