Over 100 People Help Save Stranded Manatees On The Beach

7 years ago

What an incredible moment to witness. When people spend their day at the beach, they definitely don't expect to see manatees. Not just manatees, but also manatees that were stranded on the beach! Over 100 people helped stranded manatees on the shore get back into the water safely. After noticing the manatees, one person immediately ran to the fire station to warn the Clearwater Fire Rescue Station. The crew from Clearwater fire station quickly went towards the beach, getting ready to save these stranded manatees. This has never happened on this beach before, many people were shocked and amazed to see a sight like this.

The amount of people who helped bring the manatees back into the water was amazing, these people are definitely the heroes of the day! It didn't matter if you were a kid or an adult, everyone was willing to help get the manatees back to safety as quickly as possible. Of course, they were very heavy so it took time to get them to slowly move back into the water. Luckily, once they used shovels to help dig the sand out of the way, the manatees were able to be saved, so awesome!

What a crazy experience! Have you ever seen something like this before? Let us know in the comment section down below!

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