HTML, CSS, and Javascript Full Course

1 year ago

00:00:00 - Introduction
00:03:35 - Text Editors, Browsers, and First Webpage
00:12:21 - Headers, Paragraphs, Line Breaks, and Horizontal Lines
00:22:19 - Bold, Italic, Comments, and Blockquote
00:30:18 - Lists
00:42:13 - Links
00:48:53 - Multiple Webpages and Website Links
01:06:28 - Customized Links
01:18:40 - Doctype, Namespace, Metadata, and Depreciated Tags
01:35:05 - Images
01:44:12 - Tables
01:54:10 - Internal, External, and Inline CSS
02:10:54 - Classes and IDs
02:19:05 - Divs and Positioning
02:39:00 - Fonts
02:49:01 - Text-Align, Margin, and Padding
02:57:38 - Colors
03:02:36 - Link States
03:15:55 - Structuring Our Website
03:27:06 - DropList and Textarea
03:33:01 - Radio Button and Checkbox
03:41:59 - Forms
03:52:51 - Embedding Content
04:00:44 - Bugs, Errors, and Debugging
04:02:33 - IDE and Framework
04:05:48 - CMS and WYSIWYG
04:11:07 - Setting Up a Template
04:17:40 - FrontEnd, BackEnd, Photoshop, and Fireworks
04:19:59 - Different Types of Websites
04:26:08 - Javascript Introduction
04:34:07 - External Scripts
04:38:33 - Comments
04:40:59 - Variables
04:49:05 - Data Types
04:52:03 - Alerts
04:57:14 - Functions
05:05:00 - More Functions
05:12:31 - Scopes
05:16:25 - Arithmetic Operators
05:22:47 - Assignment Operators
05:27:11 - Comparison Operators
05:36:55 - Logical Operators
05:43:59 - If Statement
05:50:42 - Block Nesting
05:59:08 - Complex Comparisons
06:04:27 - Else If Statement
06:10:26 - Switch Statement
06:17:43 - Prompt
06:22:42 - For Loop
06:29:26 - While Loop
06:33:30 - Arrays
06:40:30 - Array Values and Length
06:47:11 - Array Properties and Methods
06:53:37 - Objects
07:04:04 - Constructor Functions
07:18:28 - Predefined Objects
07:29:40 - DOM
07:38:23 - DOM Nodes
07:46:19 - Insert Values
07:56:05 - CSS with JavaScript
08:01:08 - Event Handlers
08:07:58 - More Events
08:13:47 - AddEventListener
08:19:42 - Libraries and Frameworks

Hey everyone! Yes, I know that this is a music channel, but I had the rare opportunity to purchase my programming mentor’s business. In 2014, I began to learn how to code for the purposes of making a game but ultimately decided to not follow through on selling those games. I originally learned how to program from my mentor, who was a web developer that happened to be an Udemy instructor at the time. My mentor hired me, after I messaged him on LinkedIn, for a few jobs and I’d like to think we’ve had a positive relationship ever since. I have long since become my own web dev and tech enthusiast, and while I no longer seek answers from him I hold him in a high regard.

A few weeks before the release of these programming and freelancing videos, my mentor contacted me to see if I wanted to purchase his business. He hired myself and others to make these videos, so I take pride in being able to take advantage of this opportunity, gladly deciding to pick up that edutainment mantle even if it would be for a short bit (as I do not plan to add to this collection). I intend on making all of the courses that were created available on YouTube, that way people can have yet another source to learn how to program and run their business for free.

Did it cost me a lot of money and legal conferences for a few weeks? Yeah, but I honestly think it’s worth it to not only help my mentor out but to make educational material free. So, while I know this is a music channel, this is also where I'm going to put the courses that I got from my mentor :)

For 5GB worth of Web Dev Care Kit, check out . It's $2 because it's over 250MB, but there's a ton of stuff in there.

If you’d like to support me, please check out my music.

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