Huawei, the King of the Telecommunications has returned

11 months ago

Video: Huawei, the King of the Telecommunications has returned slapping the faces of US/Canadian Mafias 視頻: 華為王者歸來向美加黑手黨說不

Sept 25 2021 Huawei’s Subrina Meng released by the American & Canadian Mafia 2021 年 9 月 25 日,美國和加拿大黑手黨釋放了華為孟晚舟

Sept 25 2023 Huawei’s Subrina Meng new products launched party telling the American & Canadian Mafia their terrorist tactics failed. 2023年9月25日華為孟晚舟新產品發布會告訴美國和加拿大黑手黨他們的恐怖主義策略失敗王者歸來.

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