Aug 23, 2023 ❤️ Jesus says... The happiest Day of My Life will be, when I lift your Veil

10 months ago

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The happiest Day of My Life will be, when I lift your Veil

August 23, 2023 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Be encouraged, dear family. Truly, we do not have long to wait, our time is coming. What a beautiful experience with the Lord during prayer. He came up to me and said... "You mean everything to Me." He lifted my veil, and this message is for everyone.

(Jesus) "The day I lift your veil will be the happiest day of My life. The day I look into your eyes and say... 'My betrothed, I give Myself to you forever and ever.' How beautiful you will be with the completeness of My anointing upon you, bringing you all to perfection. A perfection you never thought possible. You see, on this Earth, you are being tormented, accused and violated 24/7 within your minds by these filthy creatures. And the day when I lift the veil you will see with clear eyes, not through a murky glass, but through a perfect, pristine and transparent veil, without any shadows, nothing hidden, no accusations against you, no remorse, no sadness, only the glory of My Presence completely engulfing you.

“Oh, how I look forward to that very day, when you are no longer tormented by the taunts of the enemy and the shadows of your past life. There will be no more shadows, only brilliant, jubilant, pristine light and overwhelming happiness; true bliss. Yes, My Brides, you will be truly transformed into My living, walking, breathing glory. Oh, what a day when the angels shall break forth with overwhelming celebration that you are finally living the life of God and no longer a prisoner of darkness and sorrow of an earthly life.

“You will burst forth with indescribable praise, expressed in only the way each one of you individually can express it, through sounds and motions and creations you never dreamed of. Oh, how wondrous will be the creativity bestowed upon you, along with all the opportunity, freedom and provision to express yourself in ways you always wanted but never thought possible.

“You see, on this Earth there is only a touch of freedom compared to what will be given to you in Heaven. All oppression will be gone, and yet there is no way to convey to you what that will be like, because on this Earth you are living beneath layers and layers of darkness and filth, hemmed in on all sides. There is no way to communicate this inexpressible freedom from all your fears. Fears of doing wrong, making mistakes, being judged, judging, not pleasing Me, all of that will be gone, gone, gone forever. Only My approval and joy will remain in and around you forever and ever and ever, and never shall you stop creating and being touched deeply by the creations of others.

“There is just no way to describe the absence of darkness, but you will live in this very living breath of Heaven, forever and ever... Amen.”

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