Get your Body & Mind Back into Balance with BioHacking - Part 1

9 months ago

TheWealthWithin.Us - Episode 27

Michelle Hummer is a Trained Biofeedback Specialist, Faith-Based Life Coach, Accountability Partner, Author, and Owner of Mae Dae Mentoring.

As a baby, Michelle was adopted into a loving family in Pennsylvania. Her mom raised her in the church and was always an excellent example of Christ’s love. Michelle went to church faithfully until she was old enough to make her own choices, and once she turned eighteen, she did not go back.

Around forty, Michelle felt as if all the bad decisions from previous years were catching up with her. After a long cry in a parking lot Michelle turned to God, “God, I don’t know if you are real, but…”. On that day, the Spirt of the Lord physically manifest in front of her. She was overwhelmed and her experience was far from what she could have understood of religion, and for the first time in her life, she was overwhelmed by His unconditional love.

This experience lead Michelle to founding her business, Mae Dae Mentoring, where she uses Quantum Biofeedback as a tool to help people renew their minds one layer at a time, so they can move forward in life. Michelle guides her clients through the tough parts of sanctification and serve them as an accountability coach, confidant, truth speaker, promoter of the Holy Spirit, and a constant reminder of surrendering to Him. 

Connect with Michelle to learn more about Quantum Biofeedback and Mae Dae Mentoring.

➡️ Visit Michelle's website:
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