Nissin Gaming Noodles o Pancit Canton?

9 months ago

Do guys like noodles? What is your favorite? Trust me this is gaming-related. As a Filipino gamer what is your gaming noodles of choice? What if a big brand is officially making one? Pancit Canon gaming flavor? So cup noodle giant Nissin will release Gaming Cup Noodles and Gaming Curry Meshi. So not just noodles but also a meshi, a Japanese rice dish. According to Nissin, this will help gamers stay up and play all night, and probably also diarrhea (allegedly if you have bad digestion). Question here, how do you make a product gaming-related? Let's just start with this, the noodle's packaging has RGB. But not real RGB its just some graphics. Next let's go with the contents why is it a gaming noodles, well the Nissin gaming noodles apparently contain caffeine, arginine, and niacin. So far these noodles will be available in Japan from September 18.

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