Caribbean Countries to Seek $33 Trillion in Slavery Reparations

10 months ago

Caribbean nations will demand $33 trillion (£26.5 trillion) and a formal apology from European countries over their role in the transatlantic slave trade.

Caricom, a political and economic union of 15 Caribbean countries, has established a ten-point plan to negotiate a financial settlement with Britain, France, Spain and Denmark as part of a process of “international reconciliation”.

The plan will include a full formal apology, education and health funding, transfers of technology and debt cancellation.

A report produced by an American consulting firm Brattle for Caricom estimates that Britain owes $19.6 trillion, while Spain owes $6.3 trillion and France $6.5 trillion. Jamaica is owed $9.5 trillion.

Verene Shepherd, a Jamaican professor of history and vice-chairwoman of the reparations commission for Caricom, told the Times that Caricom needed “a negotiating figure” to begin with.

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