Roy: The New Axis of Evil Trade Without Any Currency

1 year ago

09/12/2023 Roy on Wayne Dupree Podcast: The formation of the new Axis of Evil could lead to World War Three. But governments and apparatus are still appeasing it. The CCP, Russia and North Korea are trading technology, energy, weapons without any currency, but a direct transaction like the deal between the CCP and Saudi Arabia, which is Saudi Arabia provides oil and the CCP just provides weapons. This will just weaken American influence.
09/12/2023 罗伊做客Wayne Dupree Podcast:新邪恶轴心的形成可能会导致第三次世界大战,而各国政府和机构仍在绥靖。中俄朝不使用货币来交易技术、能源和武器,而是直接物物交换,就像中共一直与沙特进行的物物交换,沙特提供石油,中共提供武器。这将削弱美国的影响力。

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