Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys This Interview EXPOSES Big Pharma, Vaccines & Autism

1 year ago

Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys This Interview EXPOSES Big Pharma, Vaccines & Autism

“CDC 19-Year Veteran — He's still at CDC and he's saying we lied about all of our science”

“Why is it that the press, let me ask you this, why is it that the press, that no, the PBC or any of the press, you know, you're, we're doing your science over here, CDC's budget science. Why is it that you're not covering the fact that the senior scientist at CDC, he's currently at CDC, a 19-year veteran, Dr. Bill Thompson, the author of the three principal studies that are the bedrock foundation for the assertion that thimerosal does not make kids sick or it doesn't give them autism.

He's now come forward, hired the best whistleblower attorney in the country. He's still at CDC and he's saying we lied about all of our science.

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