1 year ago

Join Lisa Thomas, Director of the Global Health and Wellness Consortium (GHWC), Michael - a Reiki Master & Certified Integrated Nutritional Coach and Noeline – an Acute Prescribing Homeopath & Natural Medicine Expert, as they discuss natural solutions for shedding and detoxing spike proteins.

In this show, you will hear about some of the additional symptoms people are having that may be related to spike-proteins and how it might be affecting everyone on the planet whether one knows it or not. But - most importantly, the team discusses the newest solutions available to help.


To join GHWC’s Updates channel for all Health and Wellness shows and health tips join here: https://t.me/+IvSqF4Se58g1ODRh

To email Noeline: noeline@family-focus.co.nz

For more information on the study that Michael references from Dr. Peter McCullough:
Publication of Baseline Protocol for Those Suffering from Long-COVID and Post-Acute Sequelae after COVID-19 Vaccination.

Spike Protein Detox: Free pdf download from the World Council of Health: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/SpikeProteinDetox_ENGLISH_V2FH.pdf

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