TMB24 - Brodie Farber - Memories, Martial Arts, Mountains, Family, Fun, & Future Gatherings

1 year ago


Welcome to episode 24 of The Mental Breakdown. Today, I have the pleasure of chatting with Brodie Farber, a pivotal figure in my life for several transformative reasons. Our paths crossed at Sierra College Wrestling; while I was on the mat, Brodie, a martial artist, had identified the potential of wrestlers in the world of mixed martial arts and sought to enhance his skills. It was during this time that my curiosity about the no-hold-bar fights in places like Mexico and Arizona that Brodie participated in grew. With his connections, Brodie helped me venture into the world of fighting, kickstarting a series of events that would later play significant roles in our lives.

As the world of mixed martial arts grew, Brodie and I carved our paths, occasionally reconnecting to share experiences and stories. Among the most significant of Brodie's contributions was introducing me to a gym in Thailand during the twilight of my fighting career. This introduction not only shaped the next phase of my life as an English teacher in Thailand but also influenced my journey into fatherhood and my pursuit of organic farming.

Despite our differing lifestyles – Brodie, living in the mountains as a hunter and me, a vegan embracing organic farming in Thailand – there's an undeniable connection. Both of us have chosen paths that emphasize living off the land, finding solace away from the conventional societal norms. Our discussions span a range of topics: from fatherhood and raising our children, our unique perspectives on death and psychology, and of course, myriad stories from our shared past.

It's been nearly a decade since Brodie and I last met, yet our bond remains. As we reflect on the past, we also ponder the future and the prospect of reconnecting at "The Gathering", an event I plan to host 18 years from now, celebrating all the vital connections I've made throughout my life.

Stay tuned for more episodes, as I'll be catching up with more influential figures from my martial arts journey and my life in the coming days. Enjoy the conversation, and until next time, farewell.

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