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Jenny Hatch LIVE! Kicks off tonight!

1 year ago

A daily interactive LIVE show at 7 pm mst on X Twitter Spaces, Callin, and Substack.

I am kicking off my daily podcast tonight at 7 pm mst!

YOU can PARTICIPATE here on X Spaces.

or on

CALLIN: callin.com/link/zIfTtIxubw

Listen to the REPLAY,

On my SUBSTACK: jennyhatch.substack.com

Healthy Families Make A Healthy World!

I have attempted to begin a daily live podcast about forty times over the past few years.

This has resulted in me having total respect for anyone who produces live radio every day.

And because I serve as sound tech, call screener, and host at the same time on three platforms, the sheer cerebral output during the show has been staggering. I also serve as producer, editor, and marketing director.

Participation on Callin these past few years has prepared me well and I feel more comfortable now than I did even just a few months ago.

Each show will begin with a song to invite the Holy Spirit and finish with a prayer.

Anyone who calls in to troll or disrupt my show will be summarily executed.

Or, banned, blocked, and sat in the naughty corner.

I look forward to chatting with YOU about current events.

Monday through Friday will be devoted to the news of the day, politics, policy, the 2024 election, the human trafficking case in Utah, etc etc…

Saturday nights show will be devoted to music, with an emphasis on Musical Theatre, which is my profession.

Sunday nights will focus on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

I hope you will tune in occasionally and even call in to chat!

Jenny Hatch


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