Prophet Joseph(Yusuf) Episode-01

1 year ago

Prophet Yusuf" is a well-known story in Islamic tradition and also mentioned in bible.
Story begins that Jacob (Yaqub) is living in Fedan city of Babylon with his uncle named Laban, who was the governor. The people of Fedan, who were pagans, made offerings to Ishtar, the mother goddess of Babylon, for rain, and they attributed the reason why it did not rain in this city because gods are not pleased with what Jacob. Jacob, on the other hand, was telling people in the city of Fedan to believe in one God and not to associate partners with Him. However, despite all their anger, the people of Fedan could not do anything to Jacob because they were afraid of governor Laban. One day, they sentenced one of the people of Fedan to death, to intimidate Jacob, who despised the gods. But Jacob saves the man by giving him blood money just as he is about to be thrown into the fire. This behavior brings the prisoner and his wife to faith. Rahil, one of Jacob's four wives, becomes pregnant after many years. But the child is not yet born. Jacob goes to the date grove to pray to God. The sorcerer of the temple of Ishtar is casting a spell in the temple to destroy Jacob's child. By the prayers of Jacob his wife gave birth to a child and Ishtar caught fire.

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