Teen in stolen truck rammed into police car then lead police on a short pursuit

1 year ago

On Thursday, the Oklahoma City Police Department (OKCPD) released a video of officers trying to stop a driver who was in a truck that was reported stolen.

The incident happened near NW 90th near North Harvey on September 11.

Police said the driver, a 17-year-old, did not follow officer commands and put the one-ton box truck in reverse, striking another officer's car.

According to OKCPD, after ramming into the patrol car, the suspect took off in the truck, leading police on what turned out to be a short chase.

Officers say the suspect got the stolen truck stuck in a ditch on North Harvey before getting out and running away to a nearby field.

OKCPD said they found the suspect hiding in the tall grass.

He was taken into custody.

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