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Home for the Holidays

2 years ago

Thankful to call Texas HOME. "Home" isn't your curb appeal. Home isn't your quartz countertops or what interest rate you have on your mortgage. Home isn't your trendy interior design, or lack thereof.

Home is more than how many bedrooms or bathrooms you have, or whether or not the floor plan is a modern open concept.

Home… is those 8 miraculous Christmas mornings you have while your kids still believe in Santa.

Home… is the memories you make at Thanksgiving when your parents are still young enough to visit, and you're finally old enough to appreciate them.

Home is having a backyard all to yourself. Home is where you learned to throw a football, but stayed outside so long you caught a cold.

Home is knowing no matter what car you drive, no matter where you take vacations, and no matter how far away the kids and grandkids live, they'll always have a place to come… home.


Thinking About Buying? Explore Markets Here: https://www.natashacarrollrealty.com/homes-for-sale/
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Natasha Carroll Realty is a boutique Houston real estate brokerage offering personalized service to sellers, buyers, builders, and investors leveraging innovation, technology and digital marketing.

☎️: 832-346-7631
📩: natasha@natashacarrollrealty.com.com
💻: www.natashacarrollrealty.com

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