Captain Commando Readjusted Editor (CCREE), Randomizer Alpha Test 1, キャプテンコマンドー

1 year ago

Captain Commando Readjusted (captre) - キャプテンコマンドー

Captain Commando Readjusted Editor (CCREE) development is going quite well and today I bring you a test of the randomizer.
For those who doesn't know what CCREE is, it is an editor for Captain Commando Readjusted with features like a level editor, a seed randomizer and a patch manager.
The randomizer that will be present in this tool is capable of randomizing all enemies for all stages, there will also have a lot of profiles that will determine how hard the game will be.
As you guys can see, the randomizer has a long path to go, it is not randomizing food, there are no restrictions, which means, enemies are spawning in places where they go through walls, the enemies are also spawning in places where their palletes are not available, making their colors completely bugged, and these are just some of the many problems that must be fixed.

Hope you guys enjoy this new randomizer that might be available for everyone when it gets finished.

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