Death & Taxes: Is There More To Life? with Brandon-Joe Williams

9 months ago

What if I told you that shortly after the Civil War in 1871 the United States became a corporation, making The United States Constitution null and void?

Free Yourself From The Debt+Slave Matrix with Brandon-Joe Williams

Brandon-Joe Williams breaks down the entire system of contracts, trust law and documents you signed unknowingly, only to wonder why you can NEVER get ahead. Brandon exposes the legal definitions that capture us, the webs of contracts and documents like birth certificates, social security cards, and the "US citizen" fraud system (are you a State citizen or a Federal Franchisee?), along with an unlawful monetary system.

And Brad reveals the true meaning of The Wizard of Oz!

This is a fascinating episode that will reveal:
- U.S. Citizen vs. United States of America Citizen & How It Affects Your Basic Rights
- How to Legally Disconnect From the United States (AKA - the Matrix) and rejoin The United States of America
- Killing Your Contracts & Getting Your Time & Money Back
- Is a State National Real & How Does It Affect Their Tax Burden?

If you are a fan of The Creature From Jekyll Island, this episode is a must.

About Brandon-Joe Williams:
Brandon Joe Williams is a State National of California, author and Common Law lawyer, and founder of The Amnesty Coalition, a group that aims to address the “slave state” framework that is created by webs of legal contracts and documents like birth certificates, social security cards, and the US citizen fraud system.

After a successful career in sales and marketing, Brandon is now devoting his full time work to research and experimentation in becoming a State National and writing his third book on martyrdom and escapism. He is also the author of Don't Be a Slave to Your Clients and Love is a Battery.

Awakened Nation:
A Deep Dive Into The Extraordinary

With guests like Dog The Bounty Hunter, NY Times Bestsellers Panache Desai, Stephen M.R. Covey, and Dan Millman, Chester Bennington's original band mates from Grey Daze, Star Wars artist Matt Busch, Grammy® nominated recording artist David Young, BNI founder Ivan Meisner, David Bowie promoter Tony Michaelides, MLB player Shea Hillenbrand, and many Brad Szollose sets out to ignite game-changing conversations with today's outliers and cutting edge entrepreneurs, idea makers and disruptors—conversations that take a deep dive into the extraordinary. This podcast will shift your thinking.

Think Art Bell meets Joe Rogan.

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