1 year ago

Liftoff and Orbital Insertion:
Witness the powerful GSLV Mk III rocket as it propels the Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft into Earth's orbit. The animation illustrates the precise maneuvers required for the spacecraft to escape Earth's gravitational pull and enter its lunar trajectory.

Journey to the Moon:
Travel alongside Chandrayaan-2 as it embarks on its journey to the Moon. Experience the complex orbital adjustments and gravity assists as the spacecraft gradually closes the gap between Earth and its lunar destination.

Orbiting the Moon:
Get a close-up look at Chandrayaan-2's lunar orbit insertion. Observe how the spacecraft adjusts its orbit to prepare for the subsequent phases of the mission.

Lander Separation and Descent:
Follow the lander, Vikram, as it separates from the orbiter and initiates its descent towards the lunar surface. Witness the precision required for this critical phase.

Lunar Surface Exploration:
Once on the Moon, the animation takes you to the lunar surface, where the rover Pragyan begins its exploration. Experience the rover's mobility and scientific instruments as it collects valuable data.

Mission Challenges:
Gain insight into the challenges faced by Chandrayaan-2 during its mission, such as navigating the lunar terrain, extreme temperatures, and communication with Earth.

Communication and Data Transmission:
Understand the vital role of the orbiter in relaying data between the lander and Earth, ensuring the success of the mission's scientific objectives.

Scientific Discoveries:
Learn about the exciting discoveries made by Chandrayaan-2, including insights into the Moon's geological history and the presence of water ice.

Conclusion and Legacy:
The animation concludes with the mission's overall success and its lasting legacy in advancing India's space exploration capabilities.

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