8 KEY Principles For Building a Top 1% Physique

1 year ago

In this video, I`m going to share with the 8 key principles for getting YOUR best physique, putting you in that top 1% of the population. Many of you know a thing or two about the muscle-building process. Whether you`re going from skinny to muscular, or overweight to ripped, and whether you`re a teenager or an adult, by the end of this video you will be well equipped with the knowledge to get you a physique others dream of.

In a nutshell:

Are things like consistency and training volume that important?
Here`s the hot take: folks who are killing it at the gym understand one thing and that is the fact that to get great results, consistency is the key.
If you want to get a solid physique, you need to use the gym many times a week for at least the first 6 months.

It`s your body`s natural response to the new things happening to it so it can maintain a physiological balance.
No matter how tired or sore you`re feeling, you must get your body accustomed to working out.

And when this happens, working out will become a natural thing for you.
Pick a good time that you can stick to.
If you go to the gym at regular times, it`ll be faster to turn into a habit.
For many, the best time to work out is between 4 in the afternoon to 7 in the evening.

If you know your schedule is going to be back for like 2, or 3 days in a row, then do a killer workout session before that.
On days you feel very crappy and just want to laze around at home or wherever you want to go, still go to the gym and warm up just for 5 minutes, no more, no less.

Your approach toward the whole muscle-building process is very important.

But so does the way you manage your diet, specifically your macros.
Macronutrients, or macros in short, refer to the three major nutrient groups necessary for the human body to function optimally.
While it`s essential to get all your macros, you must manage your diet as you aim for a caloric deficit, which means eating fewer calories than you burn.
The tricky part is that there`s a crazy variety of breakdowns of what`s the optimal macro ratio for fat loss.

When getting shredded, however, the general rule is to aim for 30 to 40% of protein, 30 to 40rbohydrates, and 15 to 20ts.

THREE, you consume these macros from healthy food sources, specifically whole foods, and minimally processed ones.
Nutrition is vital to building the best physique.

But did you know that motivation is actually strongly connected with the feel-good brain neurotransmitter called dopamine?
You know what`s the trick that has hugely helped at keeping me motivated?
Listening to music can make you work harder and faster according to studies.

Not only dopamine but endorphins are also released by the brain when listening to music while exercising.
Create a list of songs that motivate you.
Now that your motivation level is high, it`s time to proceed with what it means to train properly and sufficiently.

To get shredded, it`s recommended to do weightlifting 3 to 5 times per week.
Weightlifting helps you build both lean muscle mass and strength.
And when training, you must aim to work very hard and focus on the basic movements.

Most importantly, always train at 100cause less than that is a waste of gym time.
Do more compound exercises and fewer isolation movements.
Training hard is good, but you must also be smart about it.


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