75. Blood Flow Restriction for Rehabilitation

1 year ago

Kaatsu Benefits
KAATSU/blood flow modification rehab benefits:

reduced injury recovery time
repair, building and rebalancing of muscles, ligaments, and tendons
avoiding muscle atrophy
non- and low-impact exercise places no strain on injured bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons
very beneficial for post-op patients with weight and/or movement restrictions
Whether you are just beginning your rehabilitation or completing your road to recovery, KAATSU can help to unprecedented levels.

KAATSU performance benefits:

increased raw speed and improved reaction time
added muscular strength and size (as desired)
improved stamina and VO2 max
improved fine motor control with specific athletic movements
Whether you are recovering from an injury or surgery, or just beginning or competing at the highest levels of your sport, KAATSU can enhance your rehabilitation and training as well as improve your overall performance levels.

Chat from Webinar:
19:57:51 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://grfpublishers.com/assets/article_in_press/1589740364.pdf
20:08:51 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Will they answer the 4 question you posed tonight?
20:24:25 From Maura : Autonomic dysreflexia common in spinal cord injuries
Can you talk about BP - cardiovascular management in this group
20:29:50 From Ms May : Does this device help with the vision?
20:31:23 From John Doolittle : We have had an MD describe an increase in retina perfusion during the KAATSU Cycle… and we see the perfusion index (PI) increase in the finger when doing KAATSU on the legs… so there is a systemic effect
20:32:11 From John Doolittle : Additionally, we do have some published research showing increased forehead blood flow during leg KAATSU Cycles.
20:34:33 From eileen armes : So what does the Kaatsu color look like on a dark skinned person?
20:35:21 From Brian Leary : Would Kaatsu bands be helpful in recovering from a knee replacement operation?
20:35:44 From John Doolittle : Dark skinned, can use palms of hands or bottom of feet or fingernail beds
20:37:19 From John Doolittle : I personally had a knee replacement and the VA used KAATSU as part of the rehab… but didn’t start until sutures and knee had been stable for three days… started on day 4.
20:39:46 From John Doolittle : Maura… I’m looking at definition of Autonomic Dysreflexia (remember, retired SEAL ;-))….. I’m going to defer to Steven on that question
20:40:37 From mira : What about for pple w/infections & parasites causing LYMPH stagnation, exhaustion & serious muscle wasting?
20:42:20 From Sandy Nelson : MIra, kaatsu haș demonstrated the ability to support the building of muscle mass. Studies have shown that it reduces es the levels of myostatin by 50%, which is a hormone that inhibits muscle growth, especially as we age
20:43:15 From John Doolittle : Mira, additionally, w/ infections and/or parasites, we always defer to the residing physician… usually if they are cleared for very basic exercise, then they are usually ok for very conservative KAATSU Cycles.
20:46:26 From marjorie Trebino : How can we find a physical therapist that can help us with this
20:48:33 From Doris Fellenz : What about neuropathy?
20:48:37 From m. nario : godenow
20:50:08 From m. nario : where can we buy the device and how much
20:50:58 From Doris Fellenz : Will you provide an email address or cell number (for texting) to those that want this therapy?
20:58:13 From steven munatones : https://kaatsu.com/
20:58:23 From steven munatones : info@kaatsu.com
20:58:28 From John Doolittle : https://kaatsu.com
20:58:29 From steven munatones : sandy.nelson@kaatsu.com
20:58:41 From steven munatones : 1-714-305-7374
20:59:45 From Donna : Dr. Harshfield talked about contraindications for certain conditions. Could that be explained in a little more detail? I think Sandy said Steve could address those on Wednesday evening.
20:59:51 From m. nario : can you explain the different types of machines in the website?
21:00:05 From Sandy Nelson : Sandy.nelson@kaatsu.com
21:00:33 From John Doolittle : Here is a good PDF:
21:01:24 From John Doolittle : Basic PDF on KAATSU:
21:03:44 From John Doolittle : Here are the very, very basics:
21:05:37 From Doris Fellenz : Reacted to "KAATSU basics flyer.pdf" with 🙂
21:06:38 From iPhone : How are the blood flow restriction bands in comparison?
21:07:47 From steven munatones : Big difference in that the KAATSU AirBands have an internal air bladder that is oval-shaped and is only inflated for 30 seconds (then deflated for 5 seconds) in various algorithms that range from very low to very high
21:08:03 From steven munatones : So the differences include the shape of the air, but also the time under tension
21:08:53 From steven munatones : the AirBands are also more narrow than the typical BFR bands
21:09:28 From steven munatones : Contraindications include cardiac issues and pregnancy
21:10:03 From steven munatones : That being said, the KAATSU protocols were developed by cardiologists in Japan to use with those with cardiac issues
21:11:22 From m. nario : can this be used then for bodybuilding?
21:12:35 From Doris Fellenz : Oh! That means it is good for those to reduce muffin tops, right?
21:16:32 From Doris Fellenz : Why do you think Dr. Carter is so happy? It's the endorphins
21:16:53 From John Doolittle : Reacted to "Why do you think Dr...." with 😃
21:18:07 From steven munatones : A muffin top or other physical changes can be addressed with KAATSU, but to see the most dramatic improvements are based on frequency (at least once per day, but ideally twice per day), limiting food intake for 90 minutes after each KAATSU session, being well hydrated before and during your KAATSU sessions, doing body weight movements (like walking) while doing the KAATSU Cycle mode, doing KAATSU on your arms first and then on your legs.
21:22:18 From steven munatones : C3 or C4 models are connected model where there are tubes that connect the controller unit to the KAATSU AirBands. The B2 model is the Bluetooth version that does not include the tubes. The B2 has the ability to collect and analyze your usage data - and to compare to other users.
21:24:21 From Donna : Thank you.
21:26:17 From Linda Anderson : The Phoenix has landed >3
21:27:46 From steven munatones : No, we cannot say that KAATSU directly helps eyesight.
21:28:19 From marjorie Trebino : Thank you so excited about this
21:28:31 From Shoshanna : Thank you :)

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