An Endgame for the Ukrainian War w_ John J. Mearsheimer, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen

9 months ago

The title bound to lose, which is of course revealing in which you argue that the big counter offensive that we were arming the Ukrainians for was tested to fail. I was hoping you could elaborate and explain. Well, I think that what had happened here, Glenn, is that the war had settled into a war of attrition and, you know, war of attrition. The Ukrainians were guaranteed to lose. The Russians are just much too powerful in terms of the balance of manpower. The balance of military equipment, especially artillery, for the Ukrainians to win over the long term. I might also add that there are all sorts of questions about whether the West would remain committed to providing weapons for Ukraine. They were potentially in real trouble in a war of attrition. And what they were doing was looking for a clever strategy to get out of that situation. Launch. Let's create which is. They would try to penetrate. Breakthrough the front lines, the so-called Sir Beacon line of the Russian defenses and then once they were in the rear area of the Russians, they would affect the deep strategic penetration. In other words, they drive deep into the area that the Russians controlled and they've reached the Sea of Azov. This would split the Russian forces in half and put an end to the land bridge to Crimea, and then the Russians would be back on their heels. They're great to have a negotiation and we would hold all the cards we meeting the West in Ukraine and the end result would be. We get a favorable agreement, put an end to this war, and my argument is that this was a pipe dream. This is not a serious argument. That's not to say that virtually everybody in the West. Not to say that virtually everybody in the West. In the mainstream. That doesn't include any of us at this point time, but virtually everybody in the mainstream thought this was gonna work. They thought that it was gonna work swimmingly and the Ukrainians would end up defeating the Russians. And my argument? Paper that I just wrote, of course you to a long agreed with is that this was a pipe dream. It was just not gonna work. And of course it hasn't worked. It's actually quite stunning how unsuccessful the Ukrainians have been and what a God awful price they have paid. I mean, it's actually sickening. To read the stories and watch the videos about the casualties in Ukraine. These are people who are being led to the slaughter, and in fact the West was pushing them to watch this event. And there's all sorts of evidence that the Ukrainians were dragging their feet because they understood that it wasn't going to work. But nevertheless, we pushed very hard for them to watch this offensive. And it's quite clear where we are. That's my basic storyline.

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