Jane Goodall to Conserve Chimpanzee Habitats

1 year ago

GOODALL: For me, storytelling
has always been the way to reach the heart. The stories that you can tell around
the images, along with the images make something very,
very powerful.
TEXT-ON-SCREEN: For 50 years NASA satellites like Landsat have been measuring dramatic changes in the world’s forests.
PINTEA: Science and technologies,
especially satellite imagery, are absolutely essential
because people's livelihoods, natural resources
and biodiversity are connected to each other.
Satellite imagery are our eyes in the sky,
providing those insights and up to date information.
VILLAGE LEADER: [speaks in local language]
TEXT-ON-SCREEN: Goodall’s Tacare program is a community-led approach helping both people and the environment
Satellite imagery has been used as a tool in their conservation efforts.
GOODALL: Going around the villages at the beginning of our Tacare program,
helping the villagers understand the importance of conservation
and what the deforestation was actually doing to harm them.
I will never forget when Lilian and I went to one of these villages
and he’d acquired one of these huge satellite imagery maps,
and we laid it out and the villagers were sitting around it
and their excitement was absolutely fantastic.
There was one woman saying,
That's the tree where I put my baby when I'm working in the fields.
And another man was saying, now we can see our sacred sites,
this tree and this rock......

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