Benyamin Poghosyan - Developments in Artsakh | Geopolitics in South Caucasus | Ep 278 - Sep 10, 2023

9 months ago

ANN Groong Week in Review - Sep 10, 2023

* Developments in Artsakh
* Geopolitics in the South Caucasus

* Benyamin Poghosyan - TW/@Benyamin_Poghos

* Hovik Manucharyan - TW/@HovikYerevan
* Asbed Bedrossian - TW/@qubriq

00:00 Intro to show
00:17 Today’s topics
00:46 Intro to guest Benyamin Poghosyan
01:15 What can be expected from Shahramanyan?
09:54 Azerbaijan’s conditions for reopening the corridor
14:23 What cards does Shahramanyan have?
18:40 On the Samvel Babayan factor
20:52 Who believes that Artsakh Armenians can live in Azerbaijan?
23:04 Evolution of EU policies on Artsakh
30:27 Deteriorating Armenia-Russia relations
43:54 Are Pashinyan & Aliyev colluding against Russia?
45:11 The possibility of renewed war
50:59 Personal statements
51:09 Benyamin: New Artsakh leadership a ray of hope to avert catastrophe
51:46 Hovik: On the precipice of a new war

Episode 278 | Recorded: September 10, 2023

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