Rep. Mike Gallagher: I believe this is the most dangerous time!

9 months ago

9/12/2023 Rep. Mike Gallagher: The window we're in right now is what I call the window of maximum danger. The Russia-Ukraine war taught us that when a dictator threatens to do something, we should be prepared to respond. And Xi has mentioned attacking Taiwan! Given the Taiwan election in January, our big defense bills that are coming due, and our dwindling Navy strength, I believe this is the most dangerous time!
#decouple #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/12/2023 迈克·加拉格尔议员: 我们现在所处的时间窗口是我所称之为的最大危险窗口! 我们从俄乌战争中得到的教训是当独裁者声称要做某事时,我们至少应该做好应对的准备。而习一直都在说要攻打台湾!考虑到明年1月的台湾大选,我国即将到期的大型国防法案和正在缩小的海军军力,我认为现在是最危险的时候!
#脱钩 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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